Zhi Gan Cao Tang Granules

Zhi Gan Cao Tang Granules

Zhi Gan Cao Tang Granules

Brand ActiveHerb Extract Granules - Herbal Formulas
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Actions Replenishes deficient Qi, enriches the blood and nourishes yin to restore a healthy pulse.
Pattern Qi and Blood deficiency
Tongue Usually pale red.
Pulse Usually irregular, sometimes slow or weak.
Chinese name 炙甘草汤
English name Licorice Baked Combination

This formula augments the Qi; nourishes Blood; replenishes the Yin; normalizes the pulse rate.

Zhi Gan Cao Tang is applied in cases of the Qi and Blood deficiency of the Heart, marked by irregular pulse and palpitation

Serving size 2 g
Amount Per Serving (mg)
每次服用含量 (毫克)
Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis (Zhi Gan Cao) 炙甘草 1176*
Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens (Sheng Jiang) 生姜 882*
Radix Ginseng (Ren Shen) 人参 588*
Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae (Sheng Di Huang) 生地黄 2941*
Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae (Gui Zhi) 桂枝 882*
Colla Corii Asini (E Jiao) 阿胶 588*
Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici (Mai Dong) 麦冬 882*
Semen Sesami Nigrum (Hei Zhi Ma) 黑芝麻 882*
Fructus Jujubae (Da Zao) 大枣 1176*
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