You Ji Bai Lian Zi, Org, 1lb

You Ji Bai Lian Zi, Org, 1lb

You Ji Bai Lian Zi, Org, 1lb

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 lb
Potency 1:1
Taste Sweet
Properties astringent, neutral
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with abdominal distention or constipation. - Bensky
Actions Tonifies and stabilizes the Spleen, Heart, and Kidneys; calms the spirti. - Bensky
Pattern Spleen deficiency; Kidney deficiency; Lack of communication between the Kidneys and Heart. - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Lung, Gallbladder - Bensky

Product will ship FedEx Ground, even if Expedited is selected.  Call for expedited shipping rates.

Chinese name 有機白蓮子
English name Lotus Seeds; Nelumbo nucifera
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Price: $14.95
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Quantity (10 in stock)
  Tonifies and stabilizes the Spleen, Heart, and Kidneys; calms the spirti.* - Bensky

You Ji Bai Lian Zi Nelumbo nucifera; Semen

Organic White Sacred Lotus Seed

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