Yi Guan Jian Granules

Yi Guan Jian Granules

Yi Guan Jian Granules

Brand ActiveHerb Extract Granules - Herbal Formulas
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Properties Source Ttext: Continuation of Famous Physicians\\' Cases Organized by Categories (Xu ming yi lei an)
Contraindications This formula should not be used for distention and pain due to phlegm or dampness.
Chinese Symptomology Liver blood-kidney yin vacuity with concomitant liver depression qi stagnation, chest and rib-side pain, stomach duct distention and fullness, dry, parched mouth and throat, acid regurgitation, pale skin, lips, inner eyelids, and tongue, muscle cramps (especially at night), night-blindness, prematurely grey hair, low back and knee soreness and limpness, dizziness, frequent but scanty urination, irritability
Actions Nourishes and enriches liver blood and kidney yin at the same time as it courses the liver and rectifies the qi.
Pattern Yin deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys with concurrent qi stagnation.
Tongue Red, with scanty fur.
Pulse Fine; bowstring.
Branch Liver
Chinese name 一贯煎
English name Linking Decoction Granules

This formula is particularly effective in treating conditions due to concurrent Liver yin deficiency and Liver qi constraint. Over the years its use has been expanded including many disorders which share this pattern including menstrual problems, hernial disorders, Lung consumption, wasting and thirsting disorder, and abdominal masses with Liver and Kidney yin deficiency. It has also been used in treating certain stages and the sequelae of warm-febrile diseases.* In terms of treating the primary complaint (hypochondriac pain due to Liver constraint), the use of this formula, Si Ni San, and Xiao Yao San overlap. However, there are differences among them. The ability of si ni san to relieve Liver constraint is relatively strong, and it is used for hypochondriac pain with cold extremities. Xiao Yao San is used more in cases of Liver constraint following emotional upset where there is disharmony between the Liver and Spleen manifested in fatigue, lethargy, a reduced appetite, and a pale tongue. In the case of yi guan jian, it is the deficiency of Liver yin which leads to constraint, heat and pain. The heat from constraint then attacks the Stomach, as described above. Thus, this script is formulated to enrich and nourish the Liver and Kidney yin in order to soften the Liver, while also dispersing the constrained Liver qi. (from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine - Formulas and Strategies.)*

Serving size 2 g
Amount Per Serving (mg)
每次服用含量 (毫克)
Radix Glehniae (Bei Sha Shen) 北沙参 1200*
Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici (Mai Dong) 麦冬 1200*
Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Dang Gui) 当归 1200*
Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae (Di Huang) 地黄 4000*
Fructus Lycii Chinensis (Gou Qi Zi) 枸杞子 1600*
Fructus Toosendan (Chuan Lian Zi) 川楝子 800*
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