Yi Guan Jian, Capsules

Yi Guan Jian, Capsules

Yi Guan Jian, Capsules

Brand KPC Formulas - Capsules
Unit Size 100 x 500mg Capsules
Dosage 4 capsules
Potency 5:1
Contraindications Never to be used for pain and distention from dampness or phlegm, as this will severely aggravate the condition
Chinese Symptomology Hypochondriac, epigastric, and chest pain, a dry and parched mouth and throat, acid reflux
Actions Enriches the yin and spreads the Liver qi
Tongue Red, dry
Pulse Thin, frail or deficient, wiry
Chinese name Yi Guan Jian
English name Linking Decoction

Enriches the yin and spreads the Liver qi*


Serving size: 4 capsules

Servings per container: 25

Sheng di huang (rehmannia root) 620mg

Gou qi zi (lycium fruit) 300mg

Sha shen (glehnia root) 300mg

Mai men dong (ophiopgon tuber) 300mg

Dan gui (tangkuei root) 300mg

Chuan lian zi (melia fruit) 180mg

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