Xing Ren - Armeniacae Semen, 5ml

Xing Ren - Armeniacae Semen, 5ml

Xing Ren - Armeniacae Semen, 5ml

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 5 ml *note: wholesale pricing not available for the 5 mL single essential oils.

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Price: $35.00
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CO2 extracted Xing Ren - Ku Xing Ren - Prunus Armeniacae amarum Semen
“Bitter Apricot Kernal”

Our Xing Ren essential oil captures the true nature of the apricot kernel’s distinctive aroma. Bitter sweet and nutty, it reminds one of a concentrated flavor extract. It’s bitter quality strongly moves downward, anchoring one to the earth. This oil is produced by CO2 extraction.

The main function of Xing Ren is to Stop coughing and wheezing. It can be used for many types of respiratory disorders depending on how it is combined with other herbs and essential oils.

For wind heat coughs Xing Ren can be blended with the essential oils of Ju Hua, (Chrisanthemum), Jin yin Hua (honeysuckle) and Lian Qiao (Forcythia), and for wind cold with Zi Su Ye (Perilla leaf) and Gui Zhi/Gui Ye (cinnamon twig and leaf). This would particularly helpful diffused into the air for inhalation.

TCM Category: Relieve Coughing and Wheezing

Channels Entered: Lung, Large intestine

Note: Base

*This oil is for external use. It should not be taken internally. Chinese Materia Medicas identify this herb as “slightly toxic.” It may also be useful to know that Apricot kernel is a major source of laetrile, a controversial cancer treatment. Practitioners are encourages to research and to carefully draw their own conclusions.

Major Chemical constituents: benzaldehyde, linalool, 4-terpinienol, a-terpineol

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