Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi San, 500 gram powder

Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi San, 500 gram powder

Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi San, 500 gram powder

SKU HS367-500
Brand Herbsmith Rx Veterinarian Formulas - Small Animal

For Dogs: 
<30 lbs..........½ tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
30-80 lbs.......1 tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
80-120 lbs.....1 ½ tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed
>120 lbs........2 tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed

For Cats........¼ tsp. twice a day, or as prescribed

For Horses...(for the 1000 lb Horse) Two tablespoons two times per day for 20 days then two tablespoons one time per day in grain. Note: In the event of refusal to eat herbs start with small amounts of herbs in grain until the horse is acquainted with the taste. Almost all horses will eat the herbs in their grain. 


Strengthens the spleen, harmonizes the stomach, regulates the qi and alieveiates pain. Note: This formula is a combination of si jun zi tang with citrus (chen pi), pinellia (ban xia), amomi (sha ren) and inula (tu xiang). Spleen and stomach vacuity with cold-damp stagnating in middle burner.*


Radix Ginseng (ren shen), Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (bai zhu), Sclerotium Poriae Cocos (fu ling), Honey-fried Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis (zhi gan cao), Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae (chen pi), Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae (ban xia), Fructus Amomi (sha ren), Radix Aucklandiae Lappae (mu xiang)**