Xiang Fu - Cyperi Rhyzoma, 5ml

Xiang Fu - Cyperi Rhyzoma, 5ml

Xiang Fu - Cyperi Rhyzoma, 5ml

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 5 ml *note: wholesale pricing not available for the 5 mL single essential oils.

Alchmica Botanica Info and Quality Control

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Price: $25.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)

(Cyperus Rotundus Rhizome, Nutgrass Rhizome)
"Enclosing Fragrance"

Xiang Fu essential oil has a rich, piercing, aroma, which expands the eyes, vibrates around the ears and fills the abdomen, homing in on blockages. Cyperus Rotundus  has a vast growing range and is especially prevalent in southern India where its essential oil is used in perfumery. The plant is invasive and hardy. It is able to grow in sandy soil as well as in loamy moist fields and tropical rainforests. In China, the underground portion is collected in autumn for medicinal use, the rhizomes sliced in half and dried in the sun. Our Xiang Fu essential oil is CO2 extracted in southern China.

Traditionally, Xiang Fu is prized as one of the most commonly used Qi rectifying, depression opening herbal medicines, able to free the Qi aspect of the 12 channels and 8 vessels and an immortal herb for women. Consider blending Xiang Fu essential oil with Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and/or Chai Hu oils for all types of irregular menstruation or pre-menstrual syndrome.

Note: middle

TCM Category: regulating Qi

Major chemical components: Sesquiterpines: a-cyperolone >9% (Guang Zhou extractor analysis), B-selinene, cyperine, patchoulenone, sugeonol. Monoterpines: Pinene, camphene, cineole, limonene.

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