Ci Wu Jia Granules, 100g

Ci Wu Jia Granules, 100g

Ci Wu Jia Granules, 100g

Brand KPC Granules - Single Herbs
Unit Size 100g bottle
Potency 5:1
Taste Acrid; Slightly Bitter
Properties Warm
Contraindications Use with caution in those with internal heat or yin deficiency
Chinese Symptomology Weak lower back and legs; A sense of heaviness and fatigue; Insomnia with many dreams; Poor appetite; Poor peripheral circulation with blood stasis; Poor concentration; Mild depression
Actions Tonifies the Spleen and Stomach qi to aid transportation and transformation: Warms the Kidneys to aid the yang in warming the Spleen; Calms the spirit; Invigorates the blood; Unblocks the collaterals; Augments the Heart qi and calms the spirit.
Pattern Poor peripheral circulation with signs of blood stasis; Heart qi deficiency; Weak transformative and transportive functions of the Spleen and Stomach
Channels Entered Spleen; Heart: Kidney
Chinese name Ci Wu Jia - Wu Jia Shen
English name Eleutherococci Senticosi Radix et Caulis; Eleuthero Root; Acanthopanacis

Eleuthero Root tonifies the Spleen and Stomach qi to aid transportation and transformation: Warms the Kidneys to aid the yang in warming the Spleen; Calms the spirit; Invigorates the blood; Unblocks the collaterals; Augments the Heart qi and calms the spirit.


Wu Jia Shen - Eleuthero

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