Wei Ling Tang Granules, 100g

Wei Ling Tang Granules, 100g

Wei Ling Tang Granules, 100g

Brand KPC Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 100g bottle
Dosage 1 tsp (2g)
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology Cold-dampness encumbering the Spleen and the accumulation of fluids. - Bensky
Western Symptomology Sensation of fullness in the abdomen; abdominal ache; poor digestion; food retention; soreness of the limbs; vomiting; cold hands; clear urine; lack of appetite; body feels heavy; edema in the face and eyes; urinary retention; watery diarrhea.
Actions Dispels Dampness in the Spleen, Regulates flow of Qi in the Spleen and Stomach
Pattern Cold dampness encumbering the Spleen and the accumulation of fluids.
Tongue Usually has a white and greasy coating.
Pulse Usually soft and thin.
Chinese name Wei Ling Tang
English name Calm the Stomach and Poria Decoction, Magnolia and Hoelen Combination
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown
Description For the treatment of the following four patterns:

1. watery diarrhea with stools that resemble water and are evacuated frequently;
2. edema that is more pronounced in the lower extremities;
3 dampness obstructing the middle burner characterized by focal distention in the epigastrium and abdomen, reduced appetite, and semi-liquid stools; and
4. dampness obstructing the body's exterior characterized by heaviness of the extremities.

Serving size: 1 tsp (2g)

Servings per container: 50

Cang zhu (atractylodes rhizome) 258mg

Hou po (magnilia bark) 258mg

Chen pi (citrus peel) 258mg

Bai zhu (atractylodes alba rhizome) 258mg

Fu ling (poria) 258mg

Ze xie (alisma rhizome) 174mg

Zhu ling (polyporus) 174mg

Gan cao (licorice root) 104mg

Rou gui (cinnamon bark) 86mg

Sheng jiang (ginger rhizome) 86mg

Da zao (jujube fruit) 86mg

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