Tumbled Nephrite

Tumbled Nephrite

Tumbled Nephrite

Brand Golden Needle Products
Unit Size 1 small stone (Approximately 1")
Taste Sweet
Properties Neutral. Extremely durable. Protective. Streghtens the Kidneys; a reflective stone that promotes inner peace.
Contraindications Do not use with substances that stimulate Kidney Yang. Steroids. Cinnabar.
Actions Regulates Qi and Fluids. Descending, enhances circulation; enhances inner energy for overcoming listlessness and excessive need for rest; quells excessive sex drive and need for power and control; promotes the emotional maturation process; aids in finding balance between one's own needs and desires and those of others; promotes fertility and strengthens the function of the sex organs; enhances the kidney energy;
Pattern The Green Color is caused by chromium.
Channels Entered Liver, Gallbladder
Cleansing and Charging Must be cleansed very thoroughly as it easily absorbs pathology. Cleanse in hematite (Franks), running water or with a sage or peppermint infusion (Eason).
Crystal Structure Monoclinic
Stone Group Chain Silicate, amphibole group
Level of Formation Metamorphic/Ying
Chakra Heart
Chemical Formula Ca2(Mg, Fe)5[(OH, F)2|Si8)22] + Al,Na,Cr
Three Treasure Association Jing
Zodiac Sign Pisces; Libra
Planetary Association Venus/Neptune
Direction Association East
Chinese name Yu
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Quantity (179 in stock)

Tumbled Nephrite from Peru.  Each Stone is approximately 1"

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