Tao of Man

It is no coincidence that the initials for Tao Of Man are T.O.M., the acronym associated with Traditional Oriental Medicine. What separates Tao of Man from other skincare companies is that our formulas are composed of herbal extracts that have been handed down for generations and have been used specifically in Traditional Oriental Medicine to treat a number of skin conditions.
We are committed to sustainable production practices because we realize that it is our responsibility to recycle and compost our raw materials to reduce global warming and pollution. Preservation of the Earth’s forests and biodiversity is up to all of us, so we are doing our part. Our promotional and sales materials are printed on 100% recycled paper and we use only recycled corrugated cartons and packaging products. We also refrain from adding secondary packaging.
Detox Charcoal Mask
Activated charcoal is a carbon-based substance that has been used for over 3,000 years for health and vitality. This powerful charcoal mask synergistically combined with our proprietary herbal blend, acts like a serious magnet for blackheads and toxins, but with a soft after-feel, it will leave your skin feeling like a baby's bottom...and ladies love baby bottoms. Effective for all skin types.