Stones of the New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening, and Co-Creating with Crystals, Minerals, and Gems, 2nd Ed.

Stones of the New Consciousness:  Healing, Awakening, and Co-Creating with Crystals, Minerals, and Gems, 2nd Ed.

Stones of the New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening, and Co-Creating with Crystals, Minerals, and Gems, 2nd Ed.

Unit Size Pages: 320 - Book Size: 7 x 10.88



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By (Author) Robert Simmons
Introduction by Robert Sardello

A full-color exploration of 62 stones that can help accelerate and enhance conscious evolution and spiritual awakening

In Stones of the New Consciousness Robert Simmons examines the 62 most important stones to help accelerate conscious evolution and spiritual awakening. Each entry is illustrated with color photos of exceptional examples. The stones include Moldavite, Nuummite, Nirvana Quartz, high-vibrational Natrolite, and Circle Stones, the highly energetic Flint found in crop circle formations.

• Details the spiritual, healing, and energetic qualities of stones such as Moldavite, Nuummite, Circle Stones, Nirvana Quartz from the Himalayas, and high-vibrational Natrolite from the emerald mines of Russia

• Features color photos of exceptional examples of each of the stones

• Includes practices for deepening one’s awareness of the stones’ gifts--from expanding consciousness, to healing, to awakening the Light Body, to fulfilling one’s personal and collective destiny

In Stones of the New Consciousness Robert Simmons examines the 62 most important stones to help accelerate and enhance conscious evolution and spiritual awakening. Each entry is illustrated with color photos of exceptional examples. The stones include Moldavite, the extraterrestrial amorphous crystal; Nuummite, the oldest gemstone on Earth; and Circle Stones, the highly energetic Flint found in crop circle formations. Other featured rarities include Nirvana Quartz from the Himalayas and high-vibrational Natrolite from the emerald mines of Russia.

Simmons begins with a new approach to meditation with stones and to the possibility of conscious relationship with the spiritual beings who express themselves in our world as crystals and minerals. He includes historical and mythological references for each stone, positing that the fabled Stone of the Holy Grail and the Philosopher’s Stone of the alchemists may have physical counterparts among the minerals discussed. Simmons presents practices for deepening one’s awareness of the stones’ gifts--from expanding one’s consciousness, to healing, to awakening the Light Body, to fulfilling one’s personal and collective destiny. While emphasizing direct contact with stones, the book also explores crystal energy tools, energy environments, and applications such as stone elixirs and essences that can aid anyone on a spiritual path.

  • Edition: New Edition
  • ISBN-13: 9781644113844
  • Imprint: Destiny Books
  • On Sale Date: January 26, 2021
  • Format: Paperback Book
  • Illustrations: Full-color throughout

Robert Simmons has been working with crystals and stones for over 35 years. He is the cofounder of Heaven and Earth, a company offering gem and jewelry creations for self-healing and spiritual and emotional development. The author of several books, including The Book of Stones and The Alchemy of Stones, he lives in New Zealand.

Back Cover

New Age / Healing / Crystals

An Adventure into the Realm of Stones

In Stones of the New Consciousness, author Robert Simmons invites the reader to journey inward to the domain of the Stone Beings. There we learn of the astonishing potentials for spiritual healing, mystic awakening and the birth of a new planetary co-creating consciousness through relating with the stones and their spiritual qualities. There we meet the Soul of the World, the feminine spirit of World Wisdom sometimes called Sophia. We discover the all-pervading harmony of the living Earth, and the emanations of Wisdom that are the Stones. We awaken to our destiny of freeing the spiritual qualities of the stones, allowing them to incarnate in the world through partnership with us.

Stones of the New Consciousness contains in-depth information on the sixty-two most important stones for awakening the Light Body and entering the path of our unfolding destiny. It offers chapters on Healing with the Stones, Crystal Meditations, Stone Elixirs, Crystal Tools and Jewelry, discovering the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix and Awakening the Body of Light. You’ll also discover the secrets of the mysterious Crop Circle Stones, the connection of Quartz to the origin of life, the dna key to the spiritual World of Light, the Divine pattern of the Human Light Body, and how our Ascension is linked with the Earth’s. We explore the astonishing tale of the Azez, angelic stewards of the Nameless Light, and their mission to enlist our aid in transforming Earth into a Planet of Light. We travel to the inner realm of the Great Central Sun, holographic core of Creation. We learn of the connections of Moldavite and Azeztulite to the Stone of the Holy Grail and the Philosopher’s Stone. We are invited to initiation into the mysteries of spiritual ascension, and the mystical wedding of Heaven and Earth, which can occur in our own bodies, as we work with the stones Rosophia and Azeztulite.

Many of the minerals discussed in Stones and the New Consciousness are newly found materials not mentioned in The Book of Stones. All of them are met in new ways, through meditations narrated by the author, and through attunement to the stones’ own voices.

If you love crystals, gems and minerals and you want to find a new and deeper understanding of the potentials locked within them, and within yourself, Stones of the New Consciousness can open the door.

Praise for Stones of the New Consciousness

“The internal fire of Robert Simmons warms this writing--or, I should say, fires it up, so that you can see your life in a new light and feel a new kind of love ignited. . . . It contains perhaps the deepest mysteries of the Earth--and of the Cosmos. . . . The purpose of this writing is to invite us into a process without end--a new way of living.”
--from the Introduction by Robert Sardello, PhD, author of Love and the Soul

“In the crucial quest to restore accord between the human world and the living world which surrounds us, the reverent recognition of trans-human intelligence is our only chance. We have forgotten the indigenous wisdom that tells us ‘all created things are People.’ Stepping out of this prevailing amnesia, Robert Simmons takes us deep into a living rapport and relation with the ‘Stone People.’ This book is a gift to all who stand ready to enter the dance of participation, the never-ending co-creation of all that is.”
--Daniel Deardorff, author of The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture and Psyche

“Finally, a book that ventures deep into the true realm of human and mineral relationship! Robert has eloquently revealed the larger picture of human evolution and the role of minerals in the shift of Gaia at this time, as well as honestly detailing the journey to deep intimacy with our mineral teachers.”
--Naisha Ahsian, co-author of The Book of Stones and creator of The Crystal Ally Cards

Table of Contents

Introduction by Robert Sardello

1. A New Crystal Vision
2. The New Consciousness & the Soul of the World
3. What’s Going On Here?
4. The Liquid Crystal Body Matrix
5. The Body of Light & the Great Central Sun
6. Crystal Meditations
7. Healing with the Stones
8. Waters of Life: Crystal Waters & Elixirs
9. Crystal Tools & Jewelry
10. The Tale of the Azez Co-Creation & Transfiguration


Agni Gold Danburite
Ajoite (Ajo Blue Quartz)
Alexandrite Apophyllite
Clear Apophyllite
Green Apophyllite

Aragonite (Spanish)
White Azeztulite (Original Azeztulite)
Sanda Rosa Azeztulite
Golden Azeztulite Crystals
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite
Pink Azeztulite
Satyaloka Azeztulite

Black Tourmaline

Cinnabar Quartz
Circle Stone
Crimson Cuprite




Healer’s Gold
Herkimer Quartz “Diamond”


Lemurian Aquatine Calcite
Lemurian Golden Opal
Libyan Gold Tektite
Lithium Quartz

Master Shamanite
Merkabite Calcite
Moldau Quartz

Nirvana Quartz

Prophecy Stone


Satya Mani Quartz
Seriphos Green Quartz
Sunset Gold Selenite

Tibetan Black Quartz
Tibetan Tektite




About the Author

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