Stamets 7 Extract - 1 Fluid Oz.

Stamets 7 Extract - 1 Fluid Oz.

Stamets 7 Extract - 1 Fluid Oz.

Brand Host Defense Mushrooms
Unit Size 1 oz

Health Benefits of Mushrooms - Brochure Download

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Price: $20.95
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Quantity (7 in stock)
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Paul Stamets designed this blend of seven mushroom species to support general immunity.* Many use Stamets 7 as a functional food multiple for maintaining peak performance and health.* 

Host Defense Stamets 7 uses activated, freeze-dried, Certified Organic mushroom mycelium and fruitbodies, with a full spectrum of constituents: >55% (550mg/serving) polysaccharides, .5% (5mg/serving) fatty acids, and an array of extracellular constituents, including enzymes, antioxidants and prebiotics for the microbiome, essential for Supporting Natural Immunity.* 

  • Daily overall immune support* 
  • Promotes respiratory, digestive, circulatory, cellular, lymphatic and systemic functions for foundational immunity.* 
  • Stamets 7® has been shown to increase Natural Killer Cells by more than 300%* 
  • Enhances natural blood-sugar modulation* 
  • Supports the body in adapting to physical, mental, and environmental stress factors* 



Fresh Royal Sun Blazei (Agaricus brasiliensis f. blazei) mycelium extract

Fresh Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris) mycelium extract

Fresh Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum s.i.) mycelium extract

Dried Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum s.i.) fruit body extract

Fresh Maitake (Grifola frondosa) mycelium extract

Fresh Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceous) mycelium extract

Fresh Chaga (Inotus obliquus) mycelium extract

Fresh Mesima (Phellinus inteus) mycelium extract

Other ingredients: water, alcohol (30-40%), myceliated brown rice


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