Si Ni Tang Granules

Si Ni Tang Granules

Si Ni Tang Granules

Brand ActiveHerb Extract Granules - Herbal Formulas
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Contraindications Cases with true heat and false cold characterized by cold extremities, thirst with a desire to drink cool beverages, dark urine, and a red tongue with a yellow coat.
Chinese Symptomology Extremely cold extremities, aversion t cold, curling up when lying down, lethargy with a constant desire to sleep, vomiting, diarrhea with undigested food particles, abdominal pain and cold, lack of thirst
Actions Rescues devastated yang, warms the middle burner, and stops diarrhea
Pattern Cold inversion
Tongue Pale with a white, slippery coat
Pulse Submerged and thin or faint
Chinese name 四逆汤
English name Frigid Extremities Decoction, Aconite, Ginger and Licorice Combination

Si Ni Tang is an ancient Chinese medicine that tonifies Kidney Yang and rescues Yang from collapse.

Si Ni Tang is applied in cases of depleted Yang, marked by cold limbs, intolerance to cold, diarrhea, cold abdominal pain, pale face, and fainting.

Serving size 2 g
Amount Per Serving (mg)
每次服用含量 (毫克)
Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Zhi Fu Zi) 附子(制) 3750*
Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis (Zhi Gan Cao) 炙甘草 3750*
Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis (Gan Jiang) 干姜 2500*