Shu Gan Tang Granules, 200g

Shu Gan Tang Granules, 200g

Shu Gan Tang Granules, 200g

Brand KPC Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 200g bottle
Dosage 1 tsp (2g)
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology "Pain beneath the left [side of] the rib cage, Liver accumulation pertaining to the blood [aspect], damage to qi from anger, or [rib] pain resulting from knocks and bruises." Bensky
Actions Dredges the Liver, regulates the qi, dispels stasis, relieves pain, invigorates the blood, and clears the heat
Pattern Pain in the Liver channel from stagnation of qi and blood
Pulse Wiry
Chinese name Shu Gan Tang
English name Dredge the Liver Decoction, Bupleurum and Evodia Combination
Description Dredges the Liver, regulates the qi, dispels stasis, relieves pain, invigorates the blood, and clears the heat*

Serving size: 1 tsp (2g)

Servings per container: 100

Chia hu (bupleurum root) 298mg

Dang gui (tangkuei root) 298mg

Huang lian (coptis rhizome) 298mg

Toa ren (persica kernel) 198mg

Qing pi (citrus viride peel) 198mg

Zhi ke (aurantium fruit) 198mg

Bai shao (white peony root) 154mg

Chuan xiong (ligusticum root) 154mg

Hong hua (carthamus flower) 102mg

Wu zhu yu (evodia fruit) 102mg