Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Capsules

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Capsules

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Capsules

Brand BioEssence Chinese Herbal Capsules
Unit Size 100 Capsules
Potency 5:1 extract granules encapsulated
Actions Strengthens or Tonifies Qi and blood
Pattern Qi deficiency;Blood deficiency
Tongue Usually pale with a thin white coating.
Pulse Usually thin and weak.
English name Ginseng & Tang Kuei Ten Combination Capsules

This formula is a combination of Four-Gentlemen Decoction (si jun zi tang), the primary formula for tonifying the qi, and Four-Substance Decoction (si wu tang), the primary formula for tonifying the blood, to which astragali Radix (huang qi) and Cinnamoni Cortex (rou qui) have been added.* - Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas and Strategies.

  • Poria Cocos (Fu Ling)
  • Atractylodes Rhizoma - White (Bai Zhu)
  • Panax Ginseng - Red (Ren Shen)
  • Rehmannia Radix - Prepared (Shu Di Huang)
  • Paeonia Radix (Bai Shao)
  • Glycyrrhiza Radix, Honey-baked (Zhi Gan Cao)
  • Astragalus Radix (Huang Qi)
  • Cinnamomum Cortex - Older (Rou Gui)
  • Angelica Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui)
  • Ligusticum Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong)
  • Zingiber Officinale Radix (Sheng Jiang)
  • Ziziphus Fructus - Red (Da Zao)

Other Ingredients:  Starch, Gelatin Capsule