Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Granules, 200g

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Granules, 200g

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Granules, 200g

Brand KPC Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 200g bottle
Dosage 1 tsp (2g)
Potency 5:1
Contraindications Not to be used for treating disorders of excess reflected in such symptoms as a thick tongue coating or a strong and forceful pulse
Chinese Symptomology A wan complexion, fatigue, reduced appetite, dizziness, listlessness, dyspnea, palpitations, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, cold extremities, spermatorrhea
Actions Warms and tonifies the qi and blood*
Pattern Qi and blood deficiency
Tongue Pale
Pulse Thin and frail
Chinese name Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
English name All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction, Ginseng and Tangkuei Ten Combination

Warms and tonifies the qi and blood*


Serving size: 1 tsp (2g)

Servings per container: 100

Ren shen (ginseng root) 172mg

Shu di huang (rehmannia root) 172mg

Huang qi (astragalus root) 172mg

Bai zhu (atractylodes alba rhizome) 172mg

Dang gui (tangkuei root) 172mg

Bai shao (white peony root) 172mg

Rou gui (cinnamon bark) 172mg

Chuan xiong (ligusticum root) 172mg

Fu ling (poria) 172mg

Zhi gan cao (licorice root) 172mg

Sheng jiang (ginger rhizome) 172mg

Da zao (jujube fruit) 108mg


Price : $52.48
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Price : $45.48
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Quantity (27 in stock)
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