Shi Jian Chuan Granules (7.5:1)

Shi Jian Chuan Granules (7.5:1)

Shi Jian Chuan Granules (7.5:1)

Brand ActiveHerb Extract Granules - Single Herbs
Unit Size 100g
Potency 7.5:1
Taste Bitter Acrid Bland
Properties Cold
Actions Invigorates, cools and nourishes the Blood and calms the Shen; Relieves Heat, detoxifies, promotes diuresis, dissipates nodulation and reduces swelling
Channels Entered Heart Pericardium Lung Stomach Liver Spleen
Chinese name 石见穿
English name Chinese Sage Herb
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Price: $18.00
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Invigorates, cools and nourishes the Blood and calms the Shen; Relieves Heat, detoxifies, promotes diuresis, dissipates nodulation and reduces swelling*