Shi Jian Chuan, 100g

Shi Jian Chuan, 100g

Shi Jian Chuan, 100g

Brand TCM Zone Single Herb Granules - 100g Bottles
Unit Size 100 Grams
Dosage recommended 2 gram each time, three times daily or as directed by your licensed practitioners.
Potency 5:1
Taste Bitter Acrid Bland
Properties Cold
Actions Invigorates, cools and nourishes the Blood and calms the Shen; Relieves Heat, detoxifies, promotes diuresis, dissipates nodulation and reduces swelling
Channels Entered Heart Pericardium Lung Stomach Liver Spleen
Chinese name 石见穿
English name Chinese Red Sage Herb, Herba Salviae Chinensis

Invigorates, cools and nourishes the Blood and calms the Shen; Relieves Heat, detoxifies, promotes diuresis, dissipates nodulation and reduces swelling*