Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang, Tabs

Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang, Tabs

Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang, Tabs

Brand KPC Chinese Herbal Tablets, 300mg
Unit Size 300 tabs
Potency 5:1 300mg
Chinese Symptomology Pain in the calves with Blood Deficiency or injury to the Yin.
Western Symptomology Spasms of the calves; abdominal muscle spasms; pain in the abdomen and back; irritability; mild chills; cramps in the hands.
Actions Supplements the blood and emolliates the liver, relaxes urgency (or cramping) and stops pain
Pattern Liver blood vacuity
Chinese name 芍藥甘草湯
English name Peony & Licorice Combination
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Within this formula, Bai Shao (Radix Alba Paeoniae) nourishes the blood and enriches yin, emolliates the liver and stops pain. Mixfried Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) supplements the qi. Together, these two medicinals harmonize the liver and spleen and nourish the sinews. This formula is typically added to other formulas when there is spasm of the sinews and/or abdominal pain. This formula comes from Zhang Zhong-jings late Han dynasty Shan Han Lun (Treatise on Damage [Due to] Cold).

  • White Peony (Root) - BAI SHAO
  • Licorice (Root) - ZHI GAN CAO