Schmoove OTC Guang Hua, 8oz Gel

Schmoove OTC Guang Hua, 8oz Gel

Schmoove OTC Guang Hua, 8oz Gel

Brand Si Jin Bao
Unit Size 8oz Gel
Chinese name 光滑(集)
(0 reviews)  

Price: $44.55
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Quantity (6 in stock)

Schmoove™ (Guang Hua) is an herbaceutical product that alleviates and eliminates all types of skin conditions. The proliferation of chemicals in all aspects of our lives introduces skin problems to more and more people every year. Skin irritation, Wind-dampness, burns, skin damage, insect bites, rashes, Dryness and Wind-dryness to name a few.

Schmoove™ works by promoting proper skin function by providing the skin with the nutrition it needs. This quickly and effectively clears up skin problems and alleviates the burning or itching that goes along with these conditions regardless of the cause.*

Clinically it has been successful in treating skin irritation, break-outs, burns, dryness, skin damage, and rashes. It was first formulated to treat burns for oncology patients who were undergoing radiation and chemotherapy but like many of our formulas, we found it to be useful many other ways.*

Beyond correcting the aforementioned skin conditions, people started noticing their skin feeling and looking better than before. In fact the name for this formula came from a patient’s description of the way it made their skin feel…Schmoove™!*

Course of Treatment

Over-the-Counter Dosage:

For best results use 7.5cc-12cc on or near affected area three times daily for 90 days.

Transition Time:

Gel: 1 min. – 2 min.


Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Disperses Summer Heat*
  • Eliminates Wind*
  • Dries Dampness*
  • Nourish Yin Fluid*
  • Clears Heat*
  • Clears Damp Heat*
  • Promote Qi Circulation*
蔬菜甘油  Gān Yóu Vegetable Glycerin
 巫婆榛 頁精  Wū Pó Zhēn Yè Jīng Witch Hazel Leaf Essence
 大黄  Da Huang Rhubarb Root
 地膚子  Di Fu Zi Kocia Fruit
 紫草  Bei Zi Cao Lithospermum Root
 蒼耳子  Cang Er Zi Xanthium Fruit
 黃苓  Huang Qin Scutellaria (Skullcap) Root
 紅花  Hong Hua Safflower
 炒赤芍  Chi Shao Yao Red Peony Root
 黄芪  Huang Qi Astralagus Root
 北沙参  Sha Shen Glehnia Root
 薄荷  Bo He Peppermint Oil
 酒精  Jiǔ Jīng Ethanol(Plant Source)
 蒸馏水  Zhēng Liú Shuǐ Distilled Water
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