Sang Ju Yin, 8 oz.

Sang Ju Yin, 8 oz.

Sang Ju Yin, 8 oz.

Brand Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Extracts (5:1)
Unit Size 8 oz
Dosage 1-3 droppers / 3x daily
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology common cold; coughing with low fever; mild thirst; headache; vertigo.
Western Symptomology External contraction of wind, heat and dryness resulting various acute respiratory tract infections, such as common cold, influenza, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, and conjunctivitis
Actions Dispels wind heat, resolves exterior, diffuses the lung, and suppresses cough.
Pattern Relieves symptoms of common cold caused by the beginning stage of Exterior affection of Wind and Heat.
Tongue thin white coating
Pulse floating and rapid
Chinese name Sang Ju Yin
English name Mulberry & Chrysanthemum

This formula is a diaphoretic; dispels Wind and Heat; helps stop coughing. It is used to help relieve symptoms of common cold caused by the beginning stage of Exterior affection of Wind and Heat.*

Ingredients Morus leaf, Chrysanthemum flower, Armeniaca seed, Forstyhia fruit, Platycodon grandiflorum root, Phragmites rhizome, Mentha (bo he) herb, Chinese Licorice root.