Safflower, Organic, 1lb (Hong Hua)

Safflower, Organic, 1lb (Hong Hua)

Safflower, Organic, 1lb (Hong Hua)

SKU MR1460
Brand Mountain Rose
Unit Size 1 lb
Potency 1:1
Taste acrid
Properties warm
Contraindications Contraindicated during pregnancy or where there is any problem related to bleeding, such as hemorragic disease or peptic ulcers. - Bensky
Pattern blood stasis
Channels Entered heart, liver

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Chinese name hong hua
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On sale: $73.95 ($87.00) save 15%
Sale Ends: 04-09-2025
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Quantity (2 in stock)

Invigorates the blood*


Safflower - Carthamus tinctorius