Ru Xiang (Frankincense), 1lb

Ru Xiang (Frankincense), 1lb

Ru Xiang (Frankincense), 1lb

Brand Golden Needle Products
Unit Size 1 lb
Dosage 3-9 grams in decoction
Potency 1:1
Taste Bitter - Bensky
Properties Neutral - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in the absence of stasis, or during pregnancy. Use with caution in those with weak stomachs. Should not be used long term. - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Liver, Spleen

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Chinese name Ru Xiang
(0 reviews)  

Price: $35.00
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Quantity (13 in stock)



"Warm and aromatic, such that it unblocks the blood vessels, bitter, such that it drain stasis, Olibanum (ru xiang) is also acrid, enabling it to disperse the stagnation of qi. It acts therefore on both the qi and blood, treating qi and blood stasis causing pain in the Stomach and abdomen, and dysmenorrhea with clotted menstrual blood. It is a favored herb in external medicine due to its piercing aroma that internally disseminates and unblocks the organs, whole thrusting out to vent the channels and collaterals on the exterior. Treasury of Words on the Materia Medica says that it is 'a medicinal that invigorates the blood, expels wind, relaxes the sinews, and stops pain.'" This herb has a strong ability to transform stasis, stop pain, and resolve the toxic swelling associated with early-stage carbuncles and sores. Omissions form the Grand Materia Medica says that it 'treats all sores by making them resolve internally.' The Grand Materia Medica concurs: 'eliminates the toxicity of sores and deep-seated toxic boils, supporting the interior and protecting the Heart.' For these purposes the herb can be taken both internally and applied topically. Materia Medica of Ri Hua-Zi notes that it should be 'decocted into a paste to stop pain and generate flesh.'" - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica*

Kosher Certification by STAR-K


Frankincense Tears ( Ru Xiang) Boswellia carteri

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