


Brand Resvantage Resveratrol
Unit Size 30 Capsules
Potency 15mg per dose
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Price: $34.95
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Quantity (37 in stock)

RESVANTAGE® IS THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND SAFEST RESVERATROL SUPPLEMENT ON THE MARKET TODAY and as the most trusted brand in the industry has received wide acclaim. This is why top physicians, naturopaths, and other leading health care professionals are using it in their practices.

Here’s what sets RESVANTAGE® apart from the rest: We employ sophisticated technology developed by the pharmaceutical industry to prepare and encapsulate our resveratrol. This is out of the reach of most nutraceutical manufacturers and rarely employed for a natural product. Resvantage is a pure organic resveratrol supplement made to pharmaceutical standards and thus is unique to the industry.

OXYGEN IS THE ENEMY OF RESVERATROL and many other natural plant compounds. In order to protect the resveratrol content in each capsule from degrading and to insure maximum potency, we have the RESVANTAGE® family of products encapsulated for us by the Capsugel® division of Pfizer in an oxygen-free, nitrogen-rich environment utilizing their patented Licaps® process. This protects the fragile resveratrol compound in our liquid filled capsules from oxidative degradation during its manufacture insuring maximum potency.

Liquid Filled Capsules Liquid filled capsules don’t just offer greater bioavailability than tablets and powder filled capsules, they’re also faster acting and gentler on the stomach. The resveratrol in the RESVANTAGE® supplement is combined with a lipid and an emulsifier to improve absorption by forming the micelles that will be able to pass the unstirred water layer that lines the human gastrointestinal tract. Active compounds like resveratrol can only be absorbed when the dissolution time is lower than the GI transit time and RESVANTAGE® liquid filled capsules facilitate fast dissolution time for maximum absorption.

Micronization Prior to encapsulation, our resveratrol goes through a milling process called micronization to reduce its particle size. When particle size is reduced, the surface area of the compound is increased dramatically improving dissolution and absorption in the body. Tablets and powder filled capsules are inefficient and low in bioavailability because their particle size has to be broken down in the digestive tract and rarely are these dissolved completely hence they pass through the body with very little being absorbed. This results in the need to over supplement with large doses in attempt to get a meaningful amount into the system and even in doing so, there is no assurance that this is happening. The resveratrol in the RESVANTAGE® supplement is reduced through micronization to a particle size of below 600 nanometers which improves dissolution and absorption in the body.


This is what makes the RESVANTAGE® supplement so effective at low doses while avoiding the potential long term negatives of high dose resveratrol supplementation. And recent clinical trials have shown resveratrol to be effective at low doses. According to the latest research published in the journal Public Library of Science One, a team of international researchers found that resveratrol is active in much LOWER DOSES than previously thought. Until now, researchers believed that high doses of resveratrol were necessary to ward off the ill effects of aging. Several clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of low dose resveratrol to mimic the favorable gene expression changes seen with caloric restriction and numerous studies have linked caloric restriction to a longer, healthier life. RESVANTAGE®, at 15 milligrams per capsule, provides the amount of resveratrol clinically proven for its biological effects.


When you buy into an anti-aging program, you want to protect yourself around the clock. Pills wear off. According to the National Institute of Health, resveratrol has a 9.2 hour half-life in the system. The activity of resveratrol is to activate the SIRT1 longevity gene and put the body in a protective mode and you don’t want to be doing this for half the time or half the day. You want protection for the full day. And with RESVANTAGE®, because of its controlled low dose, you have the flexibility of taking it twice a day to keep a sufficient level of resveratrol in your system for constant gene activation while avoiding the potential long term negatives of high dose supplementation.


RESVANTAGE® is in a class by itself. A natural supplement made to strict pharmaceutical standards employing leading edge technology so you can rely on it for the things that matter; safety, potency and bioavailability. Its liquid delivery system has been designed to protect the efficacy of the formula and for fast and maximum absorption in the body. You care about your health and you don’t want to maintain it by trial and error. Most resveratrol supplements in dry powder form with their binders and fillers simply don’t work. With RESVANTAGE®, you get peace of mind of knowing you are getting a supplement of superior quality that does. All this makes RESVANTAGE®, the best value proposition on the market today.


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