Rapid Pain Relief Balm, 30ml

Rapid Pain Relief Balm, 30ml

Rapid Pain Relief Balm, 30ml

Brand BioHerboloQi
Unit Size 30ml / 1oz
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Price: $40.00
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Quantity (4 in stock)

Rapid Pain Relief is a balm for pain caused by blood stagnation. The formula consists of premium herbal oils and C02 extracts that move blood and relieve pain. When used for pain caused by blood stagnation, this balm can work in as little as 60 seconds. It is excellent for:

  • Menstrual pain,
  • Headaches or migraines,
  • Pain after injury where skin is unbroken,
  • Chronic back and shoulder pain due to lack of fluid flow or poor posture causing lack of flow,
  • Bruises,
  • Post workout burn,
  • and more where blood stagnation is the cause.

Chinese herbal oils, essential oils and C02 extracts have been combined with skin nourishing butters. All ingredients are organic where possible. 

The skin nourishing butters we use feel amazing on your skin. Our unique balm base is non-greasy, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, high in Vit A, E, and many other skin food nutrients.

  • Cacao Butter
  • Ucuuba Butter
  • Mango Butter
  • Active oils include Chuan Xiong, Mo Yao (myrrh), Mei Gui Hua (rose), basil linalool, lavender, clary sage and more.

DIRECTIONS: Apply approximately 1/4 teaspoon to the site of pain. This is enough for an area the size of your two hands. You can also apply a small finger dab to acupoints, or small bruises. We recommend waiting a few minutes before using more as this product is quite effective and potent. Smelling the ointment can also help, especially when the pain is at shoulder level or above, like with a headache.

For period pain: apply to the lower abdomen when pain commences, or just prior to when pain is due if it is a consistent pattern.

For headaches or migraines: apply to the neck and shoulder area first. There is usually no need to apply to the scalp. Be careful of your eyes if you apply it to your temples. We recommend putting it back near the hairline.


AVOID:  Applying it close to the eyes, mouth, or other orifices. It may sting and cause irritation.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For further care we recommend Chinese medicine practitioners.

BONUS VIOLET GLASS: This balm is packaged in Violet Science Glass, which is the best packaging we can use for products with medicinal oils or active ingredients. Plastics can leach out toxic chemicals when oils are stored in them, and violet glass is able to preserve ingredients for a long time, better than any other color glass. See our FAQ to learn more about Violet Glass and why it is so amazing.

GIFT: We recommend you keep your violet glass container when your balm runs out. Wash it and reuse it in your kitchen. This dark ultra violet glass appears black but is Violet in the sunlight. It will preserve herbs, spices, culinary leftovers, medicinal potions and more. The retail value of this 1oz violet glass jar alone is currently around $15. This is our gift for you to keep. The medicine just keeps on going!


**≠Cacao butter, **Ucuuba Butter, **Mango Butter, **Basil linalool oil, **Lavender oil, *Chuan Xiong C02 extract (ligustici wallicci rhizoma), **Mo Yao C02 extract (myrrh), **Clary Sage oil, **Juniper Berry oil, *Mei Gui Hua oil (rose).

** Certified Organic ingredient.
* Ingredient tested for pesticide residues. 
≠ Fair Trade ingredient.

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