Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Capsules

Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Capsules

Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Capsules

Brand TCM Zone Formulas - Capsules
Unit Size 100 Capsules
Potency 5:1
Actions Strengthens Spleen and Lung function; resolves phlegm; clears heat; diffuses Lung Qi; soothes coughs; calms wheezing; and regulates Qi.
Pattern Lung heat;Phlegm
Tongue Usually red with a yellow and greasy coating.
Pulse Usually slippery and rapid.
Chinese name Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang

This formula eliminates Heat from the Lungs; dissolves Phlegm; reverses the ascension of rebellious Qi; is an anti-tussive and expectorant.*