Qian Nian Jian, 1lb

Qian Nian Jian, 1lb

Qian Nian Jian, 1lb

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 pound
Potency 1:1
Contraindications Use caution for those with Yin Deficiency Heat; It may cause toxic side effects
Actions Dispels Wind-Dampness and strengthens the sinews and bones; Promotes Qi flow

Product will ship FedEx Ground, even if Expedited is selected.  Call for expedited shipping rates.

Chinese name 千年健
English name Homalomena occulta; Rhizoma
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Price: $11.68
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Unblocks channels, reduces swelling, warms the Stomach and alleviates pain and enters at the Blood level. Can also be used for abscess, sores and epigastric pain due to Cold.


Qian Nian Jian - 100%

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