Power Mushrooms Powder, 2.09oz

Power Mushrooms Powder, 2.09oz

Power Mushrooms Powder, 2.09oz

Brand Health Concerns
Unit Size 2.09 oz powder
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Price: $25.90
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Quantity (6 in stock)

Therapeutic Actions
1. Enhances immune function.*
2. Contains herbs that may have anti-tumor effect according to Chinese and Japanese research.*
3. Boosts energy.*
4. Useful for autoimmune disorders, such as MS, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.*
5. Useful for prolonged colds and flu, asthma.*
6. Can be used as an adjunct to chemo and radiotherapy.*

Chinese Therapeutic Effects
Tonifies Qi Benefits stomach, spleen, lungs, and kidneys*
Tonifies yin Mildly promotes diuresis*

Formula Rationale
Power Mushrooms is a combination of four mushrooms known to have immune system regulating functions. Ganoderma has been long-celebrated as a prized tonic herb. It is bitter, sweet, and warm, and enters heart, liver, and lung meridians. Studies on reishi (ling zhi) have shown it to regulate immune function and coronary and cerebral blood flow, reduce blood lipid levels, protect the liver from toxic chemical damage, and treat liver disease. In Japan, ganoderma (reishi) extracts are used to treat cancer and myasthenia gravis, where the immune system attacks peripheral nerves. Maitake (hui shu hua) fruiting bodies are used in China as an anti-inflammatory in liver and kidney diseases and as a source of tumor-inhibiting polysaccharides and antioxidants. It is sweet and neutral, and tonifies the middle burner, drains dampness and cools heat. Tremella (yin er) fruiting body contains tumor and ulcer inhibiting polysaccharides. It is sweet and neutral and associated with the lung, kidney, and stomach meridians. It stimulates the immune system and supports cardiovascular health. Poria (fu ling) is a digestive aid and mild sedative. These mushrooms invigorate spleen function, and taken together in Power Mushrooms, they act as an effective Qi tonic.*

Clinical Notes
1. The mushrooms in Power Mushrooms do not cause problems in conditions attributed to candida albicans overgrowth.
2. Power Mushrooms can be used with a wide variety of formulas and can be used on a daily basis as an energy tonic.*
3. Also see Health Concerns Newsletter: From Chronic Fatigue Patient to Athlete (Guzman).

Additional Formulas
• Use with Astra 8 or Astra Isatis for immune system enhancement.*
• Use with Ease 2 for prolonged cold and flu (2 of each formula QID or every few hours).*
• For adjunct to radio and chemotherapy, also consider Regeneration, Astra Essence, Marrow Plus, and Quiet Digestion.*

Contraindications: May have a warming effect with some yin deficient patients. May induce loose stool or skin rash. If these conditions persist, reduce dosage, or select a different formula.


Ling Zhi (Red Ganoderma - (reishi) fruiting body)*
Yin Er (Tremella fruiting body)*
Hui Shu Hua (Maitake fruiting body)
Fu Ling (Poria sclerotium)


Other Ingredients powder: Rice bran.

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