Pau D'arco - Wildcrafted, 1lb

Pau D'arco - Wildcrafted, 1lb

Pau D'arco - Wildcrafted, 1lb

Brand Golden Needle Products
Unit Size 1lb
Potency 1:1
Western Symptomology Candida; Yeast infection; Thrush; Immune Deficiency
English name Tabebuia impetiginosa
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Pau D'Arco is primarily used to help kill and control Candida yeast internally. It is a mildly strong yeast killer best for helping to prevent rapid inundation once the yeast has been tamed by diet control, avoidance of antibiotics or by taking other strong yeast killers such as Oregano Oil. Pau D'Arco can be taken long-term as a tonic to help maintain a healthy internal micro-ecology. It is helpful for those who are immune compromised and get yeast infections easily.*

Country of Origin: Brazil
Production: The Pau d'Arco tree, also known as pink lapacho, or pink trumpet tree, grows in many regions of Latin America. When flowering, the tree boasts impressive magenta, white, or lavender blossoms that provide food for bees and hummingbirds.
Qualities: The inner bark of the tree plays a role in traditional medicine. It has been used by herbalists as a general tonic, an adaptogen, and to treat intestinal candidiasis, as well as for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Common Use: The inner bark is most often used in a tea, tincture, or in powdered form, encapsulated. The tincture should be taken in water with some lemon juice so that tannins can be absorbed through the colon.
Storage: Store in a cool, dark, dry place. Refrigeration not required.