Oriental Beauty Tea, 40gm

Oriental Beauty Tea, 40gm

Oriental Beauty Tea, 40gm

Brand Amei Tea House
Unit Size 40 gm
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Price: $16.99
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Oriental Beauty Tea has an undeniable fruit and honey flavor with a distinctly sweet honey aroma that is the hallmark of Oriental Beauty Tea.

Oriental Beauty Tea is known for being sweeter than most teas. The secret to this delicious tea lies in the bite of the Smaller green leafhopper and the enzymes released by the tea tree to attract the Smaller green leafhopper's predators. The delicate balance between the art of making "bug bite tea" and the heavy roasting of the tea leaves results in a tea that is sweet, bitter, and fruity.

The art of cultivating this tea requires extensive expertise. Oriental Beauty teas that are bitten by Smaller green leafhopper can reduce yield by up to 50%. Allowing tea leaves to become excessively damaged can result in unpleasantly bitter teas that cannot be sold. Due to its low natural supply and high demand, this premium tea is rarely found in large quantities. Said to be priced higher than other teas, farmers were nicknamed "Pomfong tea" after boasting.

This tea, sweet as orange honey, will warm you like the orange rays of the sun, helping to grow this premium tea.

Properties: Heavy Oxidation Oolong Tea

Aroma: fructose/honey/caramel aroma

Ingredients Heavy Oxidation Oolong Tea
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