OHM Only Healing Minerals

Absorbing minerals through the skin is the most perfect and efficient way to receive micronutrients into the system
The Earth's crust provides essential elements found in gems, minerals, and crystals. These elements are required in electrophysiological and biosynthesis functions to maintain healthy homeostasis. Hippocrates noted that living in areas of high mineral content and absorbing nutrients through the skin via water provide optimum health.
Ruth Findlay, a geochemist, has studied ancient Eastern medical practices under the guidance of Dr. Heiner Fruehauf. In her quest for well-being, she experienced the power of mineral springs and thermal baths and recognized the frequency of bathing and chemical content as keys to robust health. In 2017, she established OHM, Only Healing Minerals, leading to the development of her Patented process.
OHM is a compilation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, metaphysical folklore, and Western medical studies. The alternative mineral products developed by OHM have elevated these concepts into modern practice, centered on chronic conditions and emphasizing the importance of supplementing with natural, unaltered minerals.
OHM produces an immense variety of regenerative mineral powders. Blend design and architecture takes into consideration the complex mineralogy and property intensification when in powder form. Afterward, each formula is balanced by mineral chemistry, rate of absorption, stone hardness, and the interdependency of electrophysiological and biosynthesis functions.
These non-oral external therapeutics are absorbed through the skin, healing within the boundaries of patients’ modern lifestyles. The products retain natural mineral properties to produce extraordinary health benefits. Ruth continues to expand and create innovative mineral supplementations for humans and animals.
Earth's minerals are Mother Nature's most precious medicines.
Podcast: Is Your Dog Mineral Deficient? Learn How OHM Products Can Help with Ruth Findlay
Allergy, K9 Mineral Topical
Nose ❀ Skin ❀ Eyes
Allergy, Mineral Diffusing Blend
Nose ❀ Skin ❀ Eyes
Allergy, Topical Mineral
Dust. Pollen. Dander. Itchy red and watery eyes, sneezing and a running nose.
Aloe Pump Jar (empty), 4oz
Convenient pump jar for Ohm minerals + Aloe gel
Body Fertile - Hatch, Female Fertility Mineral Blend
Empower female fertility with hatch, a potent mineral blend designed to create an ideal environment for conception and pregnancy.
Body Fertile - Swim, Male Fertility Mineral Blend
Enhance male fertility with swim, a powerful mineral blend designed to optimize sperm health and production.
Body Fertile - Vagus, Male & Female Topical Blend
Enhance vagus nerve communication and support reproductive health with vagus, a unique mineral blend for both males and females.
Brain Gain Topical Mineral
Recall - Reset - Retain. With a swipe of Brain Gain topical minerals powder across the forehead a few days a week, you'll feel your brain world open and achieve new heights!
Bruise, K9 Topical Mineral
Injury Mineral Blend with Azurite, Malachite Tigers Eye, Flourite, Stilbite, Amethyst and Amber.
Bruise, Topical Mineral
Injury Mineral Blend with Azurite, Malachite Tigers Eye, Flourite, Stilbite, Amethyst and Amber.
Christmas Mineral Bath
Joy ❄︎ Peace ❄︎ Noel.
Chronic Allergy, Topical Mineral
Heard! We created Chronic Allergy! Just for you, we steeped hues of blue and violet minerals, in the artistry of cooling and calm. Stress-related chronic allergies, chronic allergic inflammation, and mast cell activation may be reset and rebooted in the body given naturally proper micronutrients.
Clean, Mineral Bath
In With Health ♦︎ Out With Toxins
Delete Heat, Topical Mineral
DGTox, Mineral Bath
Digital Detoxification Holistic Bath
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Duo, Topical Meditation Minerals, 2 Blend Box
Combo of full sized Three Treasures and Fifth Dimension Topical Meditation Minerals
Elements, Mineral Bath
Ca•Ba•S•O•K•Mg•Sr•Fe•Li•Mn (Basic Elements the Body Needs)
Elements, Mineral Bath (Large)
Ca•Ba•S•O•K•Mg•Sr•Fe•Li•Mn (Basic Elements the Body Needs)
Elements, Mineral Diffusing Blend
Ca•Ba•S•O•K•Mg•Sr•Fe•Li•Mn (Basic Elements the Body Needs)
Flourish & Garnet Mineral Bath
Absorb - Vital - Nutrients. Garnet, a stone of awakening, sparks enlightenment. Its red hue couples with the vital life force, blood flow, and circulation. When engaged, it arouses kundalini energy, the dormant force which holds all human potentials. This energy is naturally coiled at the base of the spine and is quite powerful when released.
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
GO-TO Topical Mineral
Predominantly a soft stone mineral formula, GO-TO sinks into the skin and works diligently to improve tissues, bones, joints, and injuries or relieve pain. Full of vibration and micronutrients, this blend is a favorite as a stand-alone or an additive to boost robust healing "all things" body. Soon it will be every-body's GO-TO!
Go-To, K9 Topical Mineral
One Stop Healing! Our K-9 GO-TO mineral blend is a modern wonder as a fast track to healing or as an additive to enrich other formulas as directed. Balances micronutrients and enhances metaphysical energies.
Good Bi, Topical Mineral
A topical mineral blend to relieve and prevent painful Bi obstruction.
Good Juju, Mineral Diffusing Blend
Flow ❊ Vitality ❊ Mojo
Grounding, Mineral Bath
anchor • earth • gravity
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Heart Beat Topical Mineral
Rhythm - Soul - Strength. Is your Rhythm off? Soul not singing? Strength passe? The time is now to get your Beat on!
Immunology Mineral Blend Kit
As only OHM can do, we created Immunology Mineral Blend with recovery micronutrients, including a powerful natural Zinc mineral, Hemimorphite, an immune everything shield. The immune system has many components and layers that need a deep infusion of protection and strength. In our opinion, by infusing the entire body, we vastly increase immune system protection. Inlcudes Plastic 4oz Bottle (Pump & Flip Tops)
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Immunology Mineral Blend Refill
As only OHM can do, we created Immunology Mineral Blend with recovery micronutrients, including a powerful natural Zinc mineral, Hemimorphite, an immune everything shield. The immune system has many components and layers that need a deep infusion of protection and strength. In our opinion, by infusing the entire body, we vastly increase immune system protection.
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Immunology Mineral Blend, K9
Boost your K-9's immunity with K-9 Immunology Mineral Blend, a potent shield against viruses and illnesses.
Intuition, Topical Mineral
instinct - innate - inherent
Itch Topical Mineral
As only Ohm can do, we created a blend to reduce histamine release, build immunity, and fight and prevent common fungal issues on the skin. Combining scientific studies and metaphysical folklore, we crafted a potent but gentle formulation.
Jade, K9 Mineral Topical
Joints • Arthritis • Damage • Erosion
Joint Juice Topical Mineral
Over the years, we have created many fantastic joint products, but our Joint Juice raises the bar. Why? We created it to provide the joint with healing micronutrients and also send neuronal impulses "through" the joint via the nervous system. In doing so, we revitalize neurotransmitters in the joint area, powering the fluid movement to the extremities.
Joint Juice, K9 Topical Mineral
Over the years, we have created many fantastic joint products for our furry friends, but our Joint Juice raises the bar. Why? We created it to provide joints with healing micronutrients and send neuronal impulses "through" the joint via the nervous system. In doing so, we revitalize neurotransmitters in the joint area, powering the fluid movement to the extremities.
Just.Add.Aloe, Topical Mineral
An amazing combo, used in the morning, delivers a healing rush of nutrients, energy and vibration to the entire body. Elements epiVibe™️ mineral blend + aloe gel mimics the benefits of a healing mineral spa bath. Ohm's perfect pump jar and a tub of Elements blend sold together, you Just.Add.Aloe.
K-9 Itch Topical Mineral
As only Ohm can do, we created a blend to reduce histamine release, build immunity, and fight and prevent common fungal issues on K-9 skin. ITCH is a potent but gentle formulation of combined scientific studies and metaphysical folklore.
KA-POW!, Topical Mineral
Memory • Clarity • Brain Energy Every morning get your brain's neurotransmitters firing in the best direction! Put a dab on the brow for memory, clarity and brain energy.
Knuckles & Knees Topical Minerals
Knuckles & Knees incorporates ancient philosophy with the physical body to heal injured, depleted, and overused joints. Using the skin's ability to absorb micronutrients, Knuckles&Knees feeds joints while relieving pain. It harmonizes a delicate balance between studied physical healing and metaphysical energies of precious gems.
Madness, K9 Mineral Topical
Separations • Anxiety • Storms
Madness, Topical Mineral
Calm • Anxious • Nerves Anxiety may be caused by work, school, a personal relationship, or the stress of a chronic health issue. These issues can deplete the bodies nervous system of needed nutrients which naturally help the body through trying events.
Moon & Sun, Mineral Bath
Sleep Well - No Fog - Energy
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Neuro Impulse Topical Blend, K9
Reboot your K-9's nerve cell function and immune system with K-9 Neuro Impulse, a holistic mineral blend designed to promote optimal health and vitality.
Neuro Impulse Topical Mineral
Neuro Impulse mineral blend is designed to reboot the nerve cell function, strength, and impulse.
NoFleazPleaz, K9 Mineral Topical
Amber ✚ Amethyst ✚ NoFleaz
Ocean, Mineral Bath
Ocean Pale Blue, Green Blue, Sky Blue. Everyone feels the Ocean uniquely their own. All experience a rejuvenated energy after a long dip in the deep water and floating with the waves. As we absorb the rich sea micronutrients through the skin, our bodies enjoy a healing rush, a regeneration and a restoration of youthful energy.
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Ocean, Mineral Bath (Large)
Ocean Pale Blue, Green Blue, Sky Blue. Everyone feels the Ocean uniquely their own. All experience a rejuvenated energy after a long dip in the deep water and floating with the waves. As we absorb the rich sea micronutrients through the skin, our bodies enjoy a healing rush, a regeneration and a restoration of youthful energy.
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Pulse - Just.Add.Aloe, Topical Mineral
Vibration Daily MicroNutrients - Just Add Aloe!
Pulse, K9 Topical
Micronutrient Vibrational Blend
Pulse, Mineral Bath
Pulse As only Ohm can do, we captured a central point of energy in select group of minerals with maximum micronutrients and vibration. A Pulse bath in the evening will encourage an amazing nights sleep as the skin absorbs this incredible mineral blend into the body.
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Pulse, Mineral Bath (Large)
Pulse As only Ohm can do, we captured a central point of energy in select group of minerals with maximum micronutrients and vibration. A Pulse bath in the evening will encourage an amazing nights sleep as the skin absorbs this incredible mineral blend into the body.
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Reboot Discovery Kit
Our Reboot is a great way to Discover OHM!
ReGenEX Topical Mineral
ReGenR8 is an Ohm wonder blend that encourages the natural rejuvenation of joints and increases energy flow. The message was clear; some need an EXTRA bold and distinctly different blend; We generated ReGenEX!
ReGenR8, K9 Mineral Topical
Vertebrae • Joints • Back • Nerve
ReGenR8, Topical Mineral
Joint • Nerve • Cell. An Ohm wonder remedy. Ground healing minerals are applied topically directly onto the joint. Re•Gen•R•8 was formulated to encourage natural rejuvenation of joints after injuries, degeneration or overuse.
Replenish Mineral Blend Kit
As only OHM can do, we created a Mineral Blend for today's toxic, virus, and chronic condition-filled world. We balanced a group of micronutrients, then raised the bar, we loaded it with manganese-bursting minerals. Why? Because every toxin and virus depletes Manganese from our systems. Inlcudes Plastic 4oz Bottle (Pump & Flip Tops)
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Replenish Mineral Blend Refill
As only OHM can do, we created a Mineral Blend for today's toxic, virus, and chronic condition-filled world. We balanced a group of micronutrients, then raised the bar, we loaded it with manganese-bursting minerals. Why? Because every toxin and virus depletes Manganese from our systems.
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Replenish Mineral Blend, K9
Revitalize your K-9's health with K-9 Replenish Mineral Blend, a potent formula designed to restore essential nutrients and promote overall well-being.
Revive, K9 Mineral Topical
Regenerate ✦ Invigorate
Roots Topical Mineral
Cultivate + Germinate. Thinning, dry lifeless hair from an illness, Telogen Effluvium, menopause, or stress is never welcomed. This type of hair loss happens for multiple reasons, one is a precipitous drop in the body's micronutrients. Ohm has a solution, a scalp fertilizer, let's give it a shake...
Seven Dragons Topical Mineral
Acupoint Minerals are used in lieu of needles to ground the Shen and clear negative influences and blocks, allowing health, creativity, and greatness to flow. Blocks, externally or internally generated, may be effectively remedied by choosing a protocol, external or internal, each seven points and applying this dynamic mineral blend.
Severe, Topical Blend
Lung ★ Illness ★ Flu
Splēn - Just.Add.Aloe, Topical Mineral
Splēn's intricate design and process strengthen the spleen when entrenched with Spleen Qi Deficiency or Splenomegaly. Splēn's format restores the rise of Essence allowing the collection of provided nutrients to be transported and regulated. This enhances the body's ability to strengthen beyond fatigue, resolve dampness and edema, and encourage the lymphatic system's ability to clear. Empty Aloe Pump Bottle Included.
Stillness, Topical Meditation Mineral
Meditation, by most definitions, is about relaxing, letting go of everyday anxieties while sitting still and openly breathing. Whether meditating to calm an inner angst, seeking enlightenment or to achieve spirituality, Stillness Meditation Minerals leads the body into clarity and a mindfulness meditation.
Three Treasures, Topical Meditation Mineral
With Meditation and proper nutrition, the Jing can be strengthened leading to a more vigorous life. As only Ohm can do, we created a mineral Meditation Blend to enliven the Jing so it properly flows through the body to strengthen and circulate the Essence. When the Essence is harmonious, it encircles the body, it allows Jing to develop into Qi, Qi to a glowing Shen spirit.
Thyroid Topical Mineral
Improve Reactive Function. A butterfly-shaped powerhouse, the thyroid is located in the neck just above the collarbone. Working properly, the hormones produced by the thyroid control the rate of many activities in your body, burning calories, the speed of heartbeats, and the body's metabolis.
Tranquil + Moonstone, Mineral Bath
float ❀ dream ❀ peace
Sale Ends: 03-31-2025
Transform, Topical Mineral - Just Add Aloe
GI - Inflammation -Lymphatic - Transform, the layers. Transform's complex design transcends, repairs, and harmonizes, layer by layer. A fusion of science and Metaphysical Philosophy!
Vagus Sum EX Topical Mineral
The second in a trilogy of complex vagal blends, Vagus Sum EX is engineered in science and Metaphysical Medicine to strengthen XII Cranial nerves by supporting damaged or deteriorating nerve fibers.
Vagus Sum Topical Mineral
The Vagus, the Vagal Nerve, is the lightning⚡️rod of the body. In a lifetime, it takes many shocks, bolts, and assaults. Vagus, translated as "Wanderer," deeply rooted, meanders through the body, from the brain to the vital organs. Good Vagal health or Vagal tone is vital for overall wellness.
Vagus Viral Topical Mineral
Vagus Viral, the third in our "everything" Vagal Nerve Trilogy blends, theoretically adds a protective coating for the Vagus Nerve. While researching for our topical mineral blends, Vagus Sum and Vagus Sum EX, we discovered the obvious; in addition to soothing and grounding the injured nerve fibers, protection from neuroinvasion might be achieved and possibly how to do it.
Vagus Viral, K9 Topical Mineral
Vagus protection product with natural, unprocessed Zinc, K-9 Vagus Viral. Our Vagus products have a layered approach to nerve care. By adding Zinc to the layers, the nerves theoretically have viral protection.