Niacin: The Real Story, 2nd Ed

Niacin: The Real Story, 2nd Ed

Niacin: The Real Story, 2nd Ed

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The third edition, updated and expanded. Discover the newest cutting-edge research about the wonderful healing properties of niacin! Vitamin B3-or niacin-is a small molecule made of only fourteen atoms, smaller even than the simplest sugar. But this one molecule has profound effects on health: it plays a role in more than five hundred reactions in the body. Many illnesses are caused by too little niacin, and many illnesses can be cured with high doses of niacin. Niacin: The Real Story takes an orthomolecular (nutrition-based) approach to medicine, supporting wellness with substances that naturally occur in the human body. Here the most prominent minds in orthomolecular medicine discuss the widespread use of niacin for the prevention and treatment of health problems. With newly-updated recommendations and on forms and therapeutic doses, we find all of the best ways to take niacin for conditions like arthritis, children's learning and behavioral disorders, mental illness, cardiovascular disease, and much more-- 

Second Edition, Revised, Updated, and Expanded

Discover the newest cutting-edge research about the wonderful healing properties of niacin!

Vitamin B 3--or niacin--is a small molecule made of only fourteen atoms, smaller even than the simplest sugar. But this one molecule has profound effects on health: it plays a role in more than five hundred reactions in the body. Many illnesses are caused by too little niacin, and many illnesses can be cured with high doses of niacin.

The updated and expanded second edition features:

  • Updates on how to take niacin, with detailed recommendations on forms and therapeutic doses
  • New information on niacin side effects and safety
  • The most effective and up-to-date ways to use niacin for arthritis, learning and behavioral disorders, mental illness, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions

Niacin: The Real Story takes an orthomolecular (nutrition-based) approach to medicine, supporting wellness with substances that naturally occur in the human body. Here the most prominent minds in orthomolecular medicine discuss the widespread use of niacin for the prevention and treatment of health problems. With newly-updated recommendations and on forms and therapeutic doses, we find all of the best ways to take niacin for conditions like arthritis, children's learning and behavioral disorders, mental illness, cardiovascular disease, and much more.

ISBN-13 - 9781684429028

Publication Date - March, 2023

ISBN-10 - 1684429021

Contributor Bio:Saul, Andrew W
Andrew W. Saul, MS, PhD, has taught nutrition, health science, and cell biology at the college level. He is the author of Doctor Yourself and Fire Your Doctor! With Dr. Abram Hoffer, Saul co-wrote Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone and The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism. He is also co-author of Vitamin C: The Real Story, I Have Cancer: What Should I Do?, and Hospitals and Health. Saul has published nearly 200 reviews and editorials.

Contributor Bio:Hoffer, Abram
Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, has published over 600 reports and articles as well as thirty books. His early work led to the use of niacin for schizophrenia and as an anti-cholesterol treatment. He died in 2009 at the age of ninety-one.

Contributor Bio:Foster, Harold D
Harold D. Foster, PhD, worked as a geomorphologist, professor of medical geography, and consultant to the United Nations in disaster planning. He authored or edited over 300 publications that focused on reducing disaster losses or identifying the causes of chronic degenerative and infectious diseases. He died in 2009.

Review Quotes:
"Interesting and significant . . . Hoffer, Foster, and Saul clearly present the practical details of niacin treatment . . . I can wholeheartedly recommend this new edition." --Robert G. Smith, PhD,

" Niacin: The Real Story has a wealth of information about Dr. Hoffer's favorite vitamin, which he recommended optimal doses of too many of his patients and tens of thousands of readers. Abram Hoffer even advised his mother to take niacin and it helped her. Anyone who reads Abram Hoffer's last book will find it interesting and helpful. Books such as Niacin: The Real Story will continue to give readers the chance to learn the facts so they can use that information to support safe, effective and restorative care for a wide range of patients. Each copy sold could save a life!" --Robert Sealey

"I read this book and found it to be a real treasure. It made me love dietary supplements, especially vitamin B 3, in view of the very positive effects that it offers to our body. Everyone should have this book as a health support." --Tahar Naili, MD

"Dr. Hoffer's early work led to the use of niacin for schizophrenia and as a cholesterol treatment and successfully treated many thousands of patients with high doses of niacin. The authors present some very compelling evidence to support treating most psychotic disorders as a vitamin B 3 dependency. Considering it is very inexpensive and has virtually no dangerous side effects, niacin would certainly be worth a consideration for anyone who has a family member with this mental health challenge. I highly recommend picking up this book and learning more about its use." --Dr. Joseph Mercola

" Niacin: The Real Story is a classic. This book should be read and even studied by everyone. It will help keep readers healthy and save many lives. More people will benefit from the teachings of Drs. Hoffer, Saul and Foster." --Richard Passwater, PhD

"This new edition of Niacin: The Real Story clarifies and describes the latest scientific evidence on supplementing with this important vitamin. Niacin (vitamin B 3) is inexpensive and comes in several forms that the body incorporates through slightly different pathways. As shown many decades ago by Dr. Abram Hoffer, when taken in safe and appropriate doses, it can enhance brain function--reducing the risk of mental illness. Saul's clear writing style explains how niacin can also reverse kidney disease and the risk of several types of cancer, and contribute to health body-wide." --Robert G. Smith, PhD, Research Associate Professor at Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

"Dr. Hoffer worked with well over 2,000 children under the age of four using nutrient therapy including an adequate amount of niacin/niacinamide and saw great responses to it. What a boon it would be for children with ADHD, along with their parents, to have that critical choice as opposed to drug treatment only. Dr. Hoffer's research on niacin proved to be life saving for many thousands of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar, and other mental health conditions, as well as many other conditions, such as high cholesterol, arthritis, and more. His work continues to be a gift to the world." --Rosalie Moscoe, author of Frazzled Hurried Woman

"Niacin is the real thing! It is anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Research also shows positive results for coronavirus as well as some other viral and bacterial diseases." --Bo H. Jonsson, MD, PhD, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm

"Dr. Hoffer's writings changed my son's life. His schizophrenia was cured with niacin treatments. My son, fully recovered, went on to become CEO of a web marketing company ten years later." --Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, President of the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine

"I wanted to discover how to use niacin to feel better and be happier, and Niacin: The Real Story more than delivered. It is almost like having my own health consultant helping me and hundreds of my clients and friends--not only--have a deep understanding of this amazing molecule but also put all of that knowledge into action to become healthier and wiser. The book is enjoyable to read since the first page then all of a sudden I'm in the last page. because it is very simple and easy to apply. If you want to be healthier and happier, this book is for you." --Moustafa Kamel, RPh, PGCM, Editor of the Arabic edition of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

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