Neuro Impulse Topical Mineral

Neuro Impulse Topical Mineral

Neuro Impulse Topical Mineral

Brand OHM Only Healing Minerals
Unit Size .125oz
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Price: $52.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)
Maximum Nerve Impulse Reboot
A nerve cell is a delicate mix of functioning components, structure, and electricity. Obsessed with nerve cell health, we traced health backward to chronic conditions and diseases (a plethora of each). We found damaged and unhealthy nerve cells at the end of the line.  Neuro Impulse mineral blend is designed to reboot the nerve cell function, strength, and impulse.
We believe that to obtain a healthy nervous system, one must start at the cellular level. Unprocessed, unaltered minerals retain their natural properties and work in perfect concert to reboot the nerve cell to establish functioning equilibrium in the neuronal system. 
Healthy nerve cells lead to 
  • Robust neuroimmune system 
  • Curtail neurodegenerative conditions
  • Deter cancer and other diseases
Studies show Zinc Zn, Copper, Cu, and Manganese, Mn are integral in nerve cell function. If provided in a methodical and balanced order, natural and unaltered microelements provide a biochemical and electrophysiological interaction within the components of the nerve cell.

The most important thing you will read today!
"Altered" mineral elements have been found in post-mortem nerve cells in neurodegenerative subjects.(1) Any chemical alteration of natural minerals creates an unusable substance (un natural supplement), losing its ability to cofactor enzymes and improve neuronal impulses.
Manganese, Mn
  • Cofactors SOD enzyme clearing oxidative stress away from the cell, reducing the likelihood of potential oxidative damage
  • Responsible for the biosynthesis of collagen, cofactors prolidase enzyme; collagen is needed to strengthen the components and structure of the cell

Copper, Cu

  • Regulates multiple physiological processes 
  • Energy metabolism
  • Mitochondrial respiration
  • Clears heat and toxins (Franks p89)
  • Potentially clears pathogens

Zinc, Zn

  • Protects neuron signaling from pathogens
  • Improves electrophysiological impulses
  • as an antiviral, providing protection and improving the immune system by strengthening the nervous system
In a base of regenerative, energetic, and grounding fossils and minerals, the architectural metaphysics of Neuro Impulse Blend gently reboots and promotes proper neuronal activity after a neuroinvasive and damaging event.  
  • Regenerative - Fuchsite Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Tiger Eye, Rhodochrosite
  • Energetic - Red Spinel, Sapphire, Amber, Hemimorphite
  • Grounding - Stromatolite, Ammonite, Amber
  • Counter Flow - Staurolite
Neuro Impulse Topical Blend is gentle enough for daily use but powerful enough to slog through after a damaging illness or during a chronic condition.
Dab, onto the following nerve systems
Use 1-2x/Day or as needed
We recommend using Vagus Sum Topical Blend for a week 2x/Day, then begin Neuro Impulse 1x/Day along with Vagus Sum 1x/Day. Continue using 1-2x/Day or as needed 
Vagus Nerve
Dab a line extending from the back of the ear, down the neck, to the middle of the collarbone. Repeat both sides. Dab a line on the center of the sternum (CV18) down to midway between the sternum and navel (CV12)
Facial Cranial
From the ear out and above the eyebrows, from the ear out and under the cheekbones, from the ear out and under the chin line
CNS Spine
A line behind the skull and down the spine

.125oz  |   Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Amber, Red Spinel, Azurite, Fuchsite, Tiger Eye, Rhodochrosite, Ammonite, Hemimorphite, Staurolite, Stromatolite, Sapphire & other Crystal minerals

Patented Process

Our healing mineral crystal powder formulas are packaged in a "Self Charging Bottle." Each has a hematite bead nestled in the powder to keep the mineral crystals charged, healing, and fresh.  

These products were developed under the guidance of Dr Heiner Fruehauf, a world-renowned professor of holistic medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

We must share our disclaimer that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Crystals used for healing should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only. 

1. Skalny AV, Aschner M, Tinkov AA. Zinc. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2021;96:251-310. doi: 10.1016/bs.afnr.2021.01.003. Epub 2021 May 24. PMID: 34112355; PMCID: PMC8208231.

2. De Benedictis CA, Haffke C, Hagmeyer S, Sauer AK, Grabrucker AM. Expression Analysis of Zinc Transporters in Nervous Tissue Cells Reveals Neuronal and Synaptic Localization of ZIP4. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 26;22(9):4511. doi: 10.3390/ijms22094511. PMID: 33925953; PMCID: PMC8123391.

3.Tyszka-Czochara M, Grzywacz A, Gdula-Argasińska J, Librowski T, Wiliński B, Opoka W. The role of zinc in the pathogenesis and treatment of central nervous system (CNS) diseases. Implications of zinc homeostasis for proper CNS function. Acta Pol Pharm. 2014 May-Jun;71(3):369-77. PMID: 25265815.

4. Gower-Winter SD, Levenson CW. Zinc in the central nervous system: From molecules to behavior. Biofactors. 2012 May-Jun;38(3):186-93. doi: 10.1002/biof.1012. Epub 2012 Mar 31. PMID: 22473811; PMCID: PMC3757551.


Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Amber, Red Spinel, Azurite, Fuchsite, Tiger Eye, Rhodochrosite, Ammonite, Hemimorphite, Staurolite, Stromatolite, Sapphire & other Crystal minerals