Nan Mu - Chinese Cedarwood, 5ml

Nan Mu - Chinese Cedarwood, 5ml

Nan Mu - Chinese Cedarwood, 5ml

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 5 ml *note: wholesale pricing not available for the 5 mL single essential oils.

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Price: $12.00
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Steam distilled Phoebe Nanmu - 5ml
Southern wood

The distinctive smokey, woody, pine-like aroma of our Chinese Cedar Wood essential oil takes one on a journey from high tree top along straight strong trunk to deep in the roots of a dense forest. It’s dark, mysterious smoke quality gives this oil a special connection with the Kidney, and the origin of essence and Qi.

Poebe nanmu is a large, slow growing evergreen tree endemic to southern China and Vietnam. It’s wood was used extensively in construction and furniture making because it is highly resistant to decay, is very dense and comes in attractive colours from olive-brown to reddish-brown. The Forbidden City was originally constructed using nanmu wood by Ming emperor Zhu Di. Nanmu (楠木)was frequently used for boat building, architectural woodworking and wood art in China. Ming Dynasty era writings indicate this wood as superior durable softwood. A recent excavation of a tomb in Lija village in Jing'an County, Jiangxi Province found 47 coffins made of nanmu wood that are reported to be about 2500 years old dating back to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty period and belongs to the Dongyi State of Xu.

Cedar woodessential oil repels decay and damage due to insects and environmental factors. It opens the Ren Mai and helps to break up yin stasis, clearing phlegm heat in the lung and damp heat in the lower jiao.

Note: Base

Major chemical components: sesquiterpenes (cedrine), sesquiterpinols (cedrol), keytones.