MediHoney Wound and Burn Dressing

MediHoney Wound and Burn Dressing

MediHoney Wound and Burn Dressing

Brand McKesson Medical
Unit Size 4'' x 5'' - One Dressing
Contraindications Contraindicated for use on individuals with an allergy to honey, on third-degree burns or to control heavy bleeding.

Store at 50°F-77°F.

CAUTION Some patients may notice slight transient stinging. If sting does not stop or cannot be managed with analgesic, remove dressing and cleanse area. An increase in exudate may occur due to the high osmolarity. Manage with an absorptive cover dressing.
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On sale: $14.27 ($16.79) save 15%
Sale Ends: 03-27-2025
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Quantity (6 in stock)

MediHoney Calcium Alginate Dressing is made by Derma Sciences from patented formulations and medical grade honey (Manuka). It is used for moderately to heavily exudating wounds or burn wounds. The products contain 95% active Leptospermum Honey, which has been shown to have several properties which assist in promoting an optimal healing environment for chronic wounds and burns that have not progressed with basic, first line treatments. Through their high osmolarity, the Calcium Alginate helps to cleanse the wound and remove devitalized tissue. MediHoney is designed to manage varying degrees of exudate. This effective wound care product can be used in all stages of wound healing and can also be used as an important component of wound bed preparation.

Product Features & Benefits

  • Wound care for diabetic foot ulcers, arterial leg ulcers, venous stasis leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, 1st and 2nd degree burns and donor sites.
  • Can be used in all stages of wound healing.
  • Helps to lower overall wound pH.
  • Cleanses and Debrides.
  • Provides a moist, occlusive environment conducive to optimal wound healing.
  • As wound exudate is absorbed, a gel forms, making removal easy and without disrupting the wound bed.
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