Manuka Honey MGO 100+, 8.8 oz

Manuka Honey MGO 100+, 8.8 oz

Manuka Honey MGO 100+, 8.8 oz

Brand Pacific Resources International
Unit Size 8.8 oz (250g)
CAUTION The consumption of honey is not suitable for children under the age of one.
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Price: $17.99
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Sourced from native Manuka trees found in New Zealand & Australia, Manuka Honey has been used for centuries by native peoples. Today doctors, naturopaths, and nutritionists recommend Manuka Honey to treat wounds and burns, improve digestion and immunity, soothe coughs and sore throats, for skincare, and more.*

At PRI, we believe in protecting our future, educating our present, and naturally preserving the health of our land, bodies, and spirits. We accomplish this, though:

Transparency: With our MGO number on the front of the jar and a QR code on the lid, which links to the test results for your batch of honey, you can be confident you are purchasing real, raw Manuka, precisely as labeled.

Sustainability: We have been privileged to work with the best beekeepers in NZ & Australia for over 35 years. Our partners dedicate themselves to meeting the needs of our current population without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. With each purchase of PRI Manuka honey, a portion of the proceeds is donated to the Save The Bee Foundation.

Balance: We believe in preserving the health of our bodies. We also believe in ice cream! Our family works hard to create recipes for your family's wellness and enjoyment. We hope by showing you how easy it can be to feel good, you can start to balance the health of your body AND mind in a more sustainable manner. 

Manuka is the only honey that exhibits non-peroxide activity due to the MG component only present in Manuka Honey at high concentrations. Our Manuka Honey 10+ is guaranteed to have a MG rating over 100+ mg/kg. Independently tested and cool processed.


100% Raw Honey

certified kosher

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