Long Yan Rou Granules

Long Yan Rou Granules

Long Yan Rou Granules

Brand Blue Poppy Granules - Single Herbs
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Taste Sweet - Bensky
Properties Warm - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with fire from constraint, phlegm with qi stagnation, or obstruction due to dampness (Bensky)
Chinese Symptomology Insomnia, heart palpitations, forgetfulness, or dizziness due to Heart and Spleen deficiency.
Actions Nourishes the blood, tonifies the qi, calms the spirit.
Pattern Heart and Spleen deficiency, especially with accompanying Spleen qi deficiency (Bensky)
Channels Entered Heart, Spleen
Chinese name 龙眼肉
English name Longan Fruit; Longana Arillus

According to Bensky (Chinese Herbal Medicine Materica Medica) this herb nourishes the blood, tonifies the qi, and calms the spirit.*

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