Juniper Berry (Organic), 1lb

Juniper Berry (Organic), 1lb

Juniper Berry (Organic), 1lb

Brand Golden Needle Products
Unit Size 1lb
Potency 1:1
Properties Primarily sugars, but also pinene, limonene, tannins, and antioxidant flavonoids
Contraindications Not during pregnancy; Not for long term use
Chinese Symptomology Promotes Digestion, Warms the Middle, Expels Phelgm, Warms Lungs, Cleanses the Kidney and Liver
Actions Congestion, sinus infections, muscle aches, joint pain, sluggish digestion.
Channels Entered Heart, Spleen, Lung

Product will ship FedEx Ground, even if Expedited is selected.

CAUTION If you have been using juniper berry tea for several weeks and you urine smells like violets, you have been using the herb too long. Continued overdose can cause renal irritation and blood in the urine, so only use in moderation. Since juniper berries can stimulate uterine contractions, avoid use during pregnancy. They should not be used by anyone who has inflammation of the kidneys.
Chinese name Du Song Zi
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On sale: $21.20 ($26.50) save 20%
Sale Ends: 05-19-2025
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Quantity (17 in stock)

Berries in decoction are Diaphoretic and Emmenagogue. The Leaves have Diuretic properties. Antibacterial, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Depurative, Rubefacient, Sedative, Stomachic, Vulenary, Antispasmodic, Aromatic


Juniperus communis

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