Juan Hou Po, ilb

Juan Hou Po, ilb

Juan Hou Po, ilb

Brand NuHerbs
Unit Size 1 lb
Dosage 3-9 grams
Potency 1:1
Taste Acrid; Bitter
Properties Warm
Contraindications Use with caution during pregnancy.
Actions Promotes the movement of qi in the middle burner and resolves stagnation; Promotes the movement of qi downward, dries dampness, and transforms phlegm; Directs qi downward, reduces phlegm, and calms wheezing
Pattern Qi stagnation affecting the Spleen and Stomach; Food stagnation; Dampness and phlegm obstructing the middle burner affecting the qi dynamic; Cough and wheezing from phlegm clogging the Lungs.
Channels Entered Large Intestine; Lung; Spleen; Stomach

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Chinese name 捲厚朴
English name Magnolia Bark (curled cut)
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Regulates the qi and directs it downward, disperses fullness, dries dampness, reduces phlegm.* (Chinese Herbal Materia Medicia, 2nd ed)


Juan Hou Po -Magnolia officinalis; Cortex