Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan, Tablets

Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan, Tablets

Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan, Tablets

Brand KPC Chinese Herbal Tablets, 750mg
Unit Size 120 Tablets
Potency 7:1
Chinese Symptomology Edema caused by the Deficiency of the Kidneys Yang.
Western Symptomology Intolerance of cold; cold limbs; edema of the legs; lower back weakness and soreness (especially in the elderlies); distended abdomen; difficult and scanty urination; low energy; impotence.
Tongue Usually pale, enlarged with tooth marks on the sides, and has a white, slippery coating.
Pulse Usually deep and wiry.
English name Achyranthes & Plantago Formula

This formula is a Kidneys tonic similar to "Ba Wei Di Huang Wan" but it is stronger diuretic. It warms teh Yang; nourishes the Kidneys; strengthens the Qi to transform Water; promotes urination; reduces edema.


Rehmannia Root SHU DI HUANG
Poria Fungus FU LING
Dioscorea Rhizome SHAN YAO
Cornus Fruit SHAN ZHU YU
Moutan Root Bark MU DAN PI
Alisma Rhizome ZE XIE
Cyathula Root NIU Xi
Plantago Seed CHE QIAN ZI
Aconite    Root FU ZI
Cinnamon Bark ROU GUI