Jade, K9 Mineral Topical

Jade, K9 Mineral Topical

Jade, K9 Mineral Topical

Brand OHM Only Healing Minerals
Unit Size .125oz

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On sale: $38.40 ($48.00) save 20%
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Quantity (4 in stock)
Joints • Arthritis • Damage • Erosion

Precious Stone  The symbol of Jade, symbolic of the relationship between Earth and humanity, exudes Confucian righteousness, integrity and wisdom. Jade brings out the instinct of desire for physical healing, increasing our K-9s strength, integrity and animal wisdom.  

K-9 J.A.D.E. embodies ancient meanings and traditions to urge the K-9 body to heal. Joints, bones, and skin take in the physical and metaphysical aspects of this combination to improve healing instincts. Using the skin's ability to absorb needed micronutrients to improve damaged joints or injuries, J.A.D.E. balances physical K-9 healing with metaphysical energies. We explain... 

Hard Science

Studies have shown these Micronutrients improve..

Manganese Mn - Rhodochrosite

  • Needed for Collagen absorption including wound care
  • Improves skin health (1)
  • Bone and joint function (2)(3)(4,5)
  • Necessary for energy metabolism, and antioxidant defenses (7)

Lithium Li - Lepidolite

  •  Improves nervous system (6)

Not Hard Science



  • Said to benefit the bone structure
  • Thought to clear damp heat from joints, including yeast in joints
  • Gently unblocks energy flows, allows healing to enter an area


  • Thought to support cellularly the care of muscles, bones, nerves and tendons
  • Can be used to direct high frequency energy into the body, stimulating physical healing and calcium absorption 
  • Regulates fluids, assists in clearing heat

Herkimer Diamond 

  • A double terminated form of quartz
  • Believed to increase strength and therapy effects of softer stones
  • Thought to be more balancing than Clear Quartz


  • Relieves arthritis and bone, pain, especially of the hips
  • Boosts self healing abilities of the body 

Boost our Integrity 

This mostly ground soft stone mineral formula sinks into the fur and skin working diligently to improve joints. K-9's love the tingling of the minerals vibrations. Let them muzzle the small jar, they will let you know if they need J.A.D.E. formula. 



  • Rub in 1/2 a scoop into joint area 1-2X a day.
  • Reduce to 1X a day after a couple of weeks.  
  • .15cc scoop included 

Our K-9 clients like to pick their healing minerals they need each day. K-9's have instincts as to what their body's need and when. If you allow them to press their muzzle to bottle, they are not sniffing the bottle, they are feeling the vibrations of the minerals. After they decide if it is right for them or not, they will will lick or bite as at the bottle as "Yes" or walk away as "No". It is amazing to watch.   

Our healing mineral crystal powder formulas are all packaged in a "Self Charging Bottle". Each has a hematite bead nestled in the powder to keep the crystals charged, healing and fresh.  

.125oz  |  Rhodochrosite, Selenite, Barite, Lepidolite, Herkimer Diamond & Jade Crystals

Our holistic K-9 products are used and approved by Dr Laura Way, DVM. We are a sponsor of the AHVMA, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association.

We must share our disclaimer that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Crystals used for healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only. 

♥︎ Ohm


(1) Lupu MA, Gradisteanu Pircalabioru G, Chifiriuc MC, Albulescu R, Tanase C. Beneficial effects of food supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen for skin care (Review). Exp Ther Med. 2020;20(1):12-17. doi:10.3892/etm.2019.8342

(2) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29114654

(3) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30681787


(5) Besio R, Baratto MC, Gioia R, Monzani E, Nicolis S, Cucca L, Profumo A, Casella L, Basosi R, Tenni R, Rossi A, Forlino A. A Mn(II)-Mn(II) center in human prolidase. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Jan;1834(1):197-204. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2012.09.008. Epub 2012 Sep 19. PMID: 22999980.

(6) Sacher, Ronald A. “PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS: WINE, WATER, AND WELLNESS.” Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association vol. 130 (2019): 1-23.

(7) Horning KJ, Caito SW, Tipps KG, Bowman AB, Aschner M. Manganese Is Essential for Neuronal Health. Annu Rev Nutr. 2015;35:71-108. doi:10.1146/annurev-nutr-071714-034419


Rhodochrosite, Selenite, Barite, Lepidolite, Herkimer Diamond & Jade Crystals