He Zi Granules

He Zi Granules

He Zi Granules

Brand Blue Poppy Granules - Single Herbs
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Taste Bitter; Sour
Properties Astringent; Neutral
Contraindications Contraindicated in exterior patterns or in those with internal accumulation and stagnation of damp-heat.
Chinese Symptomology Diarrhea; Chronic diarrhea; Dysenteric disorders; Intestinal wind; Bloody stool; Cough; Chronic cough; Wheezing; Loss of voice
Actions Binds up the intestines and stops diarrhea; Contains the leakage of Lung qi, stops coughs, and improves the condition of the throat
Pattern Intestinal wind; Dysenteric disorders; Chronic diarrhea; Leakage of Lung qi; Phlegm-fire obstructing the Lungs
Channels Entered Lung; Stomach; Large Intestine
English name Chebule; Myrobalan Fruit; Terminalia; Chebgium

Directs the Lung qi downward and transforms phlegm to stop coughs and benefit the throat; restrains the Spleen and Intestinal qi to stop chronic diarrhea.