Gui Jia (Cu) (Gui Ban) Granules

Gui Jia (Cu) (Gui Ban) Granules

Gui Jia (Cu) (Gui Ban) Granules

Brand ActiveHerb Single Extract Granules
Unit Size 100g
Potency 5:1
Taste Salty, sweet - Bensky
Properties Cold - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated during pregnancy and in those with cold-dampness of the Stomach. - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Fever, steaming bone disorder, nightsweats, dizziness, tinnitus due to yin deficiency with ascendant yang; Facial spasms and tremors of the hands and feet due to yin deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys that generates internal wind; Soreness of the lower back, weakness of the legs, retarded skeletal development in children, failure of the fontanel to close due to Kidney yin deficiency; Red and/or white vaginal discharge or uterine bleeding; Execssive menstruation or uterine bleeding due to chaotic movement of hot blood; Anxiety, insomnia and forgetfulness due to Heart deficiency; Nonhealing sores and ulcers. - Bensky
Actions Strongly tonifies the Liver and Kidney yin, subdues the yang, strengthens the bone, unblocks the Conception vessel. - Bensky
Pattern Yin deficiency with ascendant yang; Yin deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys that generates internal wind; Kidney yin deficiency; Chaotic movement of hot blood; Nonhealing sores and ulcers - Bensky
Channels Entered Heart, Liver, Kidney - Bensky
Chinese name 醋龟甲
English name Tortoise Plastron (Vinegar Processed)
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On sale: $46.40 ($58.00) save 20%
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Quantity (2 in stock)

Excerpted from Bensky:  Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica

  • Nourishes the yin and anchors the yang:  for yin deficiency with ascendant yang with such symptoms as fever, nightsweats, dizziness, tinnitus, and steaming bone disorder.  Also for yin deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys that generates internal wind symptoms such as facial spasms and tremors of the hands and feet.*
  • Benefits the Kidneys and strenghtens the bones:  for Kidney yin deficiency with such symptoms as soreness of the lower back, weakness in the legs, retarded skeletal development in children, or failure of the fantanel to close.*
  • Nourishes the blood, enriches the yin, and stabilizes the Penetrating and Conception vessels:  for red and/or white vaginal discharge or uterine bleeding.*
  • Cools the blood and stops uerine bleeding:  for excessive menstruation or uterine bleeding caused by choatic movement of hot blood.*
  • Nourishes the blood and tonifies the Heart:  for Heart deficiency with anxiety, insomnia, and forgetfulness.*
  • Also for nonhealing sore and ulcerations.*
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