Gou Qi Yin Capsules (EXPIRES 12-2024)

Gou Qi Yin Capsules (EXPIRES 12-2024)

Gou Qi Yin Capsules (EXPIRES 12-2024)

Brand BioEssence Capsules
Unit Size 100 capsules
Dosage 6 caps/3x daily
Potency 5:1 extract granules encapsulated
Chinese Symptomology Delayed menstruation caused by Blood Deficiency and Stagnant Qi.
Western Symptomology Late menstruation; scanty menstrual flow, color is dark-purple with clots; lower abdominal distention and pain that increases with pressure.
Tongue Usually has dark and purple edges
Pulse Usually choppy
Chinese name Gou Qi Yin Capsules
English name Cyperus & Carthamus Combination Capsules

This formula replenishes Blood; enhances the circulation of Qi.

  • Rehmannia Radix - prepared (Shu Di Huang) 15.50%
  • Paeonia Radix (Bai Shao) 15.50%
  • Angelica Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 15.50%
  • Cyperus Rhizoma (Xiang Fu) 15.50%
  • Ligusticum Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong) 7.75%
  • Auklandia Radix (Mu Xiang) 6.21%
  • Carthamus Flos (Hong Hua) 5.43%
  • Persica Semen (Tao Ren) 4.65%
  • Zedoaria Rhizoma (E Zhu) 3.88%
  • Clematidis Armandii (Mu Tong - Chuan) 3.88%
  • Glycyrrhiza Radix (Gan Cao) 3.10%
  • Cinnamomum Cortex - Older (Rou Gui) 3.10%
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