GCXXT (Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang)

GCXXT (Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang)

GCXXT (Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang)

Brand Giant Herbs & Tea
Unit Size 1oz
Chinese Symptomology Qi Stagnation caused by Stomach Qi Deficiency
Western Symptomology Indigestion; severe diarrhea; rumbling sound in the abdomen; undigested food in the stools; insomnia; retching; restlessness; irritability; distention and fullness in the chest and abdominal regions.
Tongue Usually pale with a thin white coating
Pulse Usually slow and weak
English name Pinellia & Licorice Combination

This formula helps dissolve lumps and hardening; regulates the Spleen and Stomach. It is used to help a person who experiences fullness and oppression in the abdominal area due to Qi Stagnation caused by severe Stomach Qi Deficiency.


Zhi Gan Cao, Huang Qin, Gan Jiang, Ban Xia, Da Zao, Huang Lian, Grain alcohol.