Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Officinalis Rz, 5ml

Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Officinalis Rz, 5ml

Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Officinalis Rz, 5ml

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 5ml bottle
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Price: $15.00
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Quantity (1 in stock)

Our Gan Jiang essential oil with it's fresh sharp spicy aroma is CO2 extracted from the tough, old "mother " Zingiberis Rhizomes collected in the winter when their energy to generate yang and counteract cold and damp is strongest. The yellowish white color of the root at this time affirms it's affinity with the earth and metal elements and it's beneficial effects on digestion and respiration.

Gan Jiang oil is an excellent choice whenever there is a need to restore the Yang and as an addition to oil blends when cold and damp conditions need to be addressed such as in the case of joint pain which is worse in cold, damp weather.*

For example in the case of Digestive cold and insufficient yang with nausea, poor appetite, abdominal discomfort, loose stools, cold limbs and lethargy, combine Gan Jiang together with Mu Xiang and Rou Dou Kou essential oils diluted to 4% (2% for kids) and apply as a tummy compress for comforting relief.*

Gan Jiang may also be helpful in blends for Respiratory conditions with coughing and clear or foamy cold phlegm. Consider combining with Eucalyptus Globulus (Radiata for kids), and Ku Xing Ren (Bitter Almond) or Song Zhen (White Pine) essential oils diluted to 6% (2-4% for kids).*

Ginger is considered to be mucolytic and therefore helps to break up mucus and phlegm as well as lymphatic congestion.*

Recently, ginger has been found to promote the elongation of shortened telomeres, a property of anti aging.*

Note: Middle-base

TCM Category: Warm the interior and expel cold

Channels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Stomach, Kidney

Major chemical components: gingerol >15%. Sesquterpenes: gingerin. Monoterpenes: cineol, borneol. Zingberol, zingiberene, bisabolene, a-curcumene, a-farnesesne, b-farnesene, linalool, cineole.


CO2 extracted Zingiberis Rhizoma
(Dried Ginger Rhyzome)

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