Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang Granules, 200g

Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang Granules, 200g

Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang Granules, 200g

Brand KPC Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 200g bottle
Dosage 1 tsp (2g)
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology Epigastric focal distention, fullness, and tightness with very slight or no pain, dry heaves or frank vomiting, borborygmus with diarrhea, reduced appetite
Actions Harmonizes the Stomach, directs rebellious qi downward, disperses clumping, and eliminates focal distention
Pattern Improper purging of an exterior or half-exterior, half-interior condition in a patient with a Spleen and Stomach deficiency.
Chinese name Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang, Variation of Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
English name Licorice Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium, Pinellia and Licorice Combination
Description This formula is a variation of Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang where the dosage of zhi gan cao is increased and ren shen is eliminated.

Serving size: 1 tsp (2g)

Serviings per container: 100

Zhi gan cao (licorice root) 470mg

Ban xia (pinellia rhizome) 470mg

Huang qin (scutelaria root) 356mg

Gan jiang (ginger rhizome) 356mg

Da zao (jujube fruit) 232mg

Huang lian (coptis rhizome) 116mg


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