Free Tea

Free Tea

Free Tea

Brand Griffo Botanicals
Unit Size 14 bags per tin. Each bag can be used up to 3 times.
Chinese name Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
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Price: $19.95
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Quantity (5 in stock)

A minty blend to reduce stress and keep you feelin' free.  This tea is based on a traditional combination of herbs to relieve physical tension and mental stress and the symptoms that can result from stress. 

Mint with a light floral nose and earthy undertones



    • Pour 8oz boiling water over tea bag
    • Steep 6 minutes or more
    • Enjoy
    • Each bag can be used 3 times

Bo He - calm stress and benefit digestion
Chai Hu - release physical tension
Mei Gui Hua - increase circulation
Bai Shao - soothes the liver and benefits the blood
Bai Zhu - strengthens digestion
Dang Gui - increases circulation and benefits the blood
Fu Ling - regulates water metabolism
Zhi Zi - clears depressed heat

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