Fen Xiao Tang Granules, 200g

Fen Xiao Tang Granules, 200g

Fen Xiao Tang Granules, 200g

Brand KPC Granules - Formulas
Unit Size 200g bottle
Dosage 1 tsp (2g)
Potency 5:1
Chinese Symptomology Abdominal fullness and drum-like distention, firm focal distention in the epigastrium, pitting edema and ascites, scanty, yellow urine, and constipation
Actions Promotes urination, promotes the movement of qi, and guides out stagnation
Chinese name Fen Xiao Tang
English name Hoelen and Alisma Combination, Separate and Reduce Decoction
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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Promotes urination, promotes the movement of qi, and guides out stagnation*


Serving size: 1 tsp (2g)

Servings per container: 100

Cang zhu (atractylodes rhizome) 222mg

Fu ling (poria fungus) 222mg

Bai zhu (atractylosdes alba rhizome) 222mg

Chen pi (citrus peel) 154mg

Hou po (magnolia bark) 154mg

Xiang fu (cyperus rhizome) 154mg

Zhu ling (polyporus) 154mg

Ze xie (alisma rhizome) 154mg

Sheng jiang (ginger rhizome) 154mg

Mu xiang (vladimiria root) 82mg

Da fu pi (areca husk) 82mg

Sha ren (amomum seed) 82mg

Zhi shi (aurantium immaturus fruit) 82mg

Deng xin cao (juncus pith) 82mg